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44 Votes

The Ion Curtain

December 7, 2011 by Leech
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sudoku619 | June 23, 2014 10:57am
If the enemy hero uses bkb, Dose the ultimate of Dark seer affect on them
Entenei (2) | March 19, 2013 3:16am
I would say that Vacuum is amazing against Templar assassin as you can force her to move when shes invisible and thus taking her out it and she thought she was safe! ha!
xxblackxxrosexx | December 7, 2012 1:11am
+1 great guide.
Frosty_walrus | October 12, 2012 11:10pm
Maybe you should add a chapter dedicated to Jungling
DirtGrub (13) | September 24, 2012 9:40am
Can you add a luxury item section and put a refresher orb in there. The double wall in a good choke point will literally end the game if its in your favor already or bring your team back into the game. +1 :D
Palma | September 16, 2012 4:00am
The power of Ion shell surprises usually enemies, I've got many supercalifragilisticexpialidocious first bloods with it, definately worth of maxing out it first.
Also DS is maybe best choice to be in solo hard lane since he can safely farm with ion shell decent amounts of gold.

I ususally rush to soul ring buying ring of regen and stout shield in the beginning of the game.

Great guide gave me other way of looking DS. +1
resinHITS | August 14, 2012 5:28am
Fantastic guide, I got more love from my team on my first time playing ds than I did the countless times I played the other chars I focused on before. Very simple, very effective, very newb friendly, the only thing I do differently is I go for a bottle instead of wand. When I do that I've never even had to get an urn bc I just pass the bottle to my team. His speed boost makes it easy to scroll back to the fountain for refills and catch back up to the team.

Other note, vacuum has amazing utility. You can put the opponents up on ledges or the river bank and vice versa to single out 1 or 2 chars in team fights or save your buddie's ***. Extra points if you warp them into your wall then harass the **** out of them from affair with those clones from safety while the team gets away. You'll be singing trololol.

I also think its important to note that spiky ball is a dbl edge sword. You need to strike a balance between pushing the lane and harassing early game. Equally important, always make sure during a push you use it as many times as possible (aka keep it on cool down) onas many units as possible for mass effectiveness.

Final point, the only thing I disagree with is taking speed boost first and ion second, I do it the other way around. If you or your lane mate needs an oh **** speed boost before you hit lvl two to avoid death, one of you is doing it wrong. I've found that an early ionwill give a little more mileage as it lets you harass right from the go, scoring an easier farm for your lane mate. Prevents whining and quitting for the first cpl minutes. :p
Nexcore | July 30, 2012 8:38am
Great synergy with Axe, Ion Shell, Surge him, use vacuum and let him taunt, wall of replica if necessary, can even end up wiping the team 2v5.
ExEvolution (3) | June 23, 2012 3:14am
9-0-1 and the game ended in 20 minutes. I didnt even get any opportunities to try and trap people on cliffs, that'll have to be next time
Zwaax | May 6, 2012 11:20am
My first game as Dark Seer and I went 5 - 0 - 34, and I played a more of a support style than what you should I think ^^. Anyways great guide!
a-rodge | April 9, 2012 2:35am
Sweet build. First game i got 17-12-32! Ain't great but it aint bad for me either. Thanks bud
dguenther | January 5, 2012 8:50pm
I practiced this build for a few times in bot games and felt confident taking on a real private match with him. I couldn't have asked for a better game - got in a lane with Enigma and we were ganking Tidehunter and Zeus (granted, they overextended a bit) within the first five minutes of the game. This put them at a huge disadvantage later on.

Enigma turned out to be an amazing lane partner and we had great synergy during teamfights at the end. The ultis match very well. Another trick we used was hiding Lifestealer inside Dark Seer for an instant gank even against 3 decently-matched foes. All in all, his gank support and lane pushing abilities make Dark Seer an incredible addition to any team.

Some mistakes I made that others should avoid: putting a wall between the enemies and their tower. It works for a few seconds, but ranged heroes like WR, Sniper, Razer, etc. are hardly fazed by it, and others can usually run around to try and take you from behind. Also, always make sure you have Ion Shell up before you enter the battle, as this makes Dark Seer useful even when stunned.
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