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Question: During laning phase should I concentrate on last hitting or ganking?
Can I kill PA in MID game on my own without MKB?
How important is Vlad?
I also found that puck should be added at the friend list. his ult is perfect for riki, keeping them together.
next you can witnes wonderfull carnage with riki ult slaughtering 5 or 4 enemys in 3 or 4 seconds.
combo looks like this i jump in use rp on 2/3/4/5 enemy depending on my positoning and enemy presence.then riki do his tricks of the trade everyone is dead.
3.75 sec aoe stnun +riki ult for the whole time all will be dead.
+if some poor bastard is still breathing shockwave and blinkstrike to finish him in no time.
Question: What is your favorite Riki's killing routine once he has diffusal+echo sabre?
Question: What is your favorite Riki's killing routine once he has diffusal+echo sabre?
Once he gets some decent farm and a defensive item--like a talismain of evasion or linken's sphere--I love waiting for a teamfight to start, blinking in and hitting my ult for insane AOE damage. At the end of the ult I can just blink and phase out if I'm in trouble. Otherwise I can finish off the team.
As doe bristleback: you're right. In general you don't tangle with him in the early game until you have regen. LAte game you kill everyone.
Regards, Vapor24
Regards, Vapor24
Updated! There are probably another few things I could include here as well. Probably build out the skill section and talk about a few other item options.