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13 Votes

The Invisible Murder Mouse and the 7 Backstab Maneuver (6.88d)

September 8, 2016 by a delicate flower
Comments: 9    |    Views: 109570    |   

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Dibakar | November 25, 2016 6:40am
First try...16-0-13!!! Ripped the opponent.Really nice guide man!Good job.
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Saig | June 30, 2016 1:46am
got 10 wins in a row with that build. free mmr at 3k gaming.
I also found that puck should be added at the friend list. his ult is perfect for riki, keeping them together.
cheekeye | May 30, 2016 12:23pm
Thanks for this guide im finding it pretty good at the minute first 2 games i played on pub ever as Riki i had 15+ kills 0 deaths both games and im not even great at dota in general :)
mr.dark gouki (1) | May 29, 2016 5:12pm
You should add magnus to friends list,my friend play realy good rikamary and me ofc has perfected magnus to the point i can forcestaff blink rp 5 enemys without watching the screen.

next you can witnes wonderfull carnage with riki ult slaughtering 5 or 4 enemys in 3 or 4 seconds.

combo looks like this i jump in use rp on 2/3/4/5 enemy depending on my positoning and enemy presence.then riki do his tricks of the trade everyone is dead.

3.75 sec aoe stnun +riki ult for the whole time all will be dead.
+if some poor bastard is still breathing shockwave and blinkstrike to finish him in no time.
riki.dota.maru | May 14, 2016 12:50pm
I would add also Bristleback as a counter.
Question: What is your favorite Riki's killing routine once he has diffusal+echo sabre?
a delicate flower | May 20, 2016 9:06am
I would add also Bristleback as a counter.
Question: What is your favorite Riki's killing routine once he has diffusal+echo sabre?

Once he gets some decent farm and a defensive item--like a talismain of evasion or linken's sphere--I love waiting for a teamfight to start, blinking in and hitting my ult for insane AOE damage. At the end of the ult I can just blink and phase out if I'm in trouble. Otherwise I can finish off the team.

As doe bristleback: you're right. In general you don't tangle with him in the early game until you have regen. LAte game you kill everyone.
not_my_username | May 3, 2016 5:05am
You need to try a lot harder to make this trash hero viable in any case. Your whole strategy revolves around finding lone targets and killing them, including the posibility that they have no sentry wards to counter you. Riki is one of the squishest heroes of the game. Even lion can burst you if you he leaves your smoke screen for 1 second.
Vapor24 (1) | May 1, 2016 11:36pm
Hey man, great guide! I'd just like to say that you mention that the headdress gives you 4.1 regen/second. I'm not sure if you were trying to include the base regen of the hero too, but a headdress provide 3 hp/s and for yourself along with the 2 str it gives you receive exactly 3.06 hp/s. You may want to specify this in your guide so there is no confusion. Other then that, great guide! I left a thumbs up,
Regards, Vapor24
a delicate flower | May 2, 2016 7:05am
Vapor24 wrote:
Hey man, great guide! I'd just like to say that you mention that the headdress gives you 4.1 regen/second. I'm not sure if you were trying to include the base regen of the hero too, but a headdress provide 3 hp/s and for yourself along with the 2 str it gives you receive exactly 3.06 hp/s. You may want to specify this in your guide so there is no confusion. Other then that, great guide! I left a thumbs up,
Regards, Vapor24

Updated! There are probably another few things I could include here as well. Probably build out the skill section and talk about a few other item options.
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