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The Inferno Beckons! Doom Bringer Guide

September 27, 2013 by TeTSee
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TeTSee | September 27, 2013 11:01am
I recommend getting a Skull Basher into Abyssal Blade because by the time you would consider that item (at least how ive written it) you should probably have a big attackspeed item, because you're right, his attackspeed is dreadful. I'll change around the order a bit to try and make this clearer.
I'm not sure whether gold from Devour is reliable or unreliable, i'll run a few tests to try and find out.
Also, Omlettes are very healthy, yes, but use them in moderation. You might get sick otherwise.
The CONJURING (1) | September 27, 2013 10:57am
Very detailed guide Nice,Etheral Blade is also very good on scales well with his ulti and LVL? can insta kill squishy heroes.
Xyrus (104) | September 27, 2013 1:54am
Yasutsuna wrote:

Ignoring that, let's get to the real deal. Hand of Midas shouldn't even be close to touching as your Devour is always better.

You may get more Gold from a Maxed out Devour, but Hand of Midas gives you Experience for faster levels, plus the Gold you get from it is reliable. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Devour give you unreliable Gold?
Yasutsuna wrote:

I wouldn't agree on getting Skull Basher as you have relatively ****py attack speed, unless you get Hyperstone beforehand. Without that, your attack speed, even with Armlet is just not enough.

Yasutsuna wrote:

vanguard sucks! XD

It sucks hard! You don't need this once you have your Armlet of Mordiggian.

Omlette's Active gives you more HP from the Strength Bonus!
Omlette's Armour will reduce WAY more damage than Damage Block will and will scale into the Late Game
Omlette's Passive Regen is greater than Vanguard's

Whenever you think you need a Vanguard, make yourself an Omlette instead. It's healthier! 8D
Yasutsuna (51) | September 26, 2013 9:18pm
Interesting guide, though I don't think you should increase the size of the words DOOM BRINGER, DEVOUR, BLACK HOLE and such as it makes the guide a tad messy.

Ignoring that, let's get to the real deal. Hand of Midas shouldn't even be close to touching as your Devour is always better.

I wouldn't agree on getting Skull Basher as you have relatively ****py attack speed, unless you get Hyperstone beforehand. Without that, your attack speed, even with Armlet is just not enough.

vanguard sucks! XD
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