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7 Votes

The hunt starts now!

August 23, 2012 by Sallomi
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Sallomi (2) | August 25, 2012 5:10am

You shouldn't skip the basilius ring, it's main purpose is to give your spiders more pushing power, the ring's aura allows each spider to take 1 more hit which is incredible for pushing.

Although I do agree and i do generally get aquila when i play as brood (low base stats+the armor and regen) There are times when i've needed to skip the 1k cost in order to get my orchid/bkb quicker, thats why aquila is situational, in the written section of the guide i've written that you should buy the aquila, but if your vs a solo lane or really badly need the core items up sooner then it can be skipped.
Sallomi (2) | August 25, 2012 5:08am

It does stack they are 2 different items, the only 3 items that don't stack are the Ring of Aquila Basilius and Vlads.

"Bonus armor does not stack with armor auras from Assault Cuirass, Ring of Basilius, Ring of Aquila or Vladmir's Offering."

No, they don't, its clearly in the description for the AC
Sallomi (2) | August 25, 2012 5:06am
this is a "i don't know how to put recipes as items in this format" so i couldn't xD, But yes, soul ring recipe is valid as a starting item but i just couldn't find recipes to put on the guide...
LiLPr0 (9) | August 25, 2012 3:46am
Soul ring recipe? Or is this a stay in easy lane farm up soulring and boots and go push
Jonathan Hancock (2) | August 25, 2012 1:16am
Sallomi wrote:

Also, you do know that the +5armor aura doesn't stack if u get valds and ac, right? so its a waste to get both

It does stack they are 2 different items, the only 3 items that don't stack are the Ring of Aquila Basilius and Vlads.
Jonathan Hancock (2) | August 25, 2012 1:15am
You shouldn't skip the basilius ring, it's main purpose is to give your spiders more pushing power, the ring's aura allows each spider to take 1 more hit which is incredible for pushing.
Sallomi (2) | August 23, 2012 1:43am
xscr wrote:

I dont really like any of your builds because u dont put vlads cuirass which is the core of brood and u put manta and phase i dont get why? that are so bad items for brood. Your skill build is also bad u were maxing spiders then webs u dont need to do that u should take 1 lvl of webs then max spiders and bite. Thats maybe just my opinion but i dont like this

Also, you do know that the +5armor aura doesn't stack if u get valds and ac, right? so its a waste to get both
Sallomi (2) | August 22, 2012 6:26am
yeah, i'll put necros on for pushing brood, the reason i didn't put boots of travel is, unlike most pushers, brood can't easily move from lane to lane so its less efficient on her, but ty, i never thought about necros on brood :)
jaslam (21) | August 22, 2012 6:19am
I see nothing wrong with this build - It's pretty standard. Some may argue boots of travel over treads, but that's it.
Broods job is to push, if you were planning to farm her to be a semi-carry or carry, you picked the wrong hero. If you've got a strong lineup that can hold a tower well (turtle), it will be easy for brood to do her job of knocking out towers in a few seconds..
for push brood, I would also recommend a necronomicon - very good optional item
crit for carry brood is also good..
StevenLK (10) | August 22, 2012 5:01am
Its really easy to get kills as brood even without incapacitating bite since you potentially have unlimited mana for a 300 damage nuke when you get soul ring. The only reason why I max broodlings is because its her only nuke and its so easy to get kills with it early game in pubs.
Sallomi (2) | August 22, 2012 4:34am
well, my guide is for a solo-the-hardlane Brood, so the survivability of webs and spiderling harass/pushing is more important imho, but if your trying to be aggressive and get kills (e.g mid lane or easy lane) then yeah, one level could be picked up :)
Hades4u (296) | August 22, 2012 2:55am
You should also have an early level in Incapacitating Bite, that slow and miss chance is really useful for you, trust me, it comes in handy in chasing :) You got speed from your web, he has that slow, you'll catch him easily.
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