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Great guide overall! As a fellow Bounty Hunter player I think you should add Wind Lace as one of the early game items. The extra movement speed helps with early kills.
hi, i really can call myself a "master" of Bounty Hunter (Just kiddin') but im really good with him and i can say that your items are great
just... i think blink is a bit obsolete on bounty hunter
blink is for people who initiate
or for heroes who are easily kited, and bounty hunter has his shadow walk for gap-closing, overall, great guide! liked the idea of guardian greaves, known as gg ;D
Also, how good is, on the current meta, damage oriented Bounty vs support oriented Bounty? I just want to know your point of view.
Usually, I go support-oriented Bounty Hunter. But it mainly depends on what you're doing early game. If you're roaming from level 1, you're playing a position 4, and there's no room on the team to build more damage. In this case, you buy support/utility items.
However, if you're in the solo offlane, there's a lot more flexibility, since you are in fact considered a "core." It's mainly an issue of "what does my team need?" since Bounty Hunter can get pretty much anything buy he needs due to Track gold. Say you guys have a trilane with 2 supports, or you have a jungler like Enigma who normally builds Mekansm. Go for damage items. If you have a Bloodseeker jungle, and your team lacks utility, it's better to get those team-oriented items, as those will help our team a lot more in the long run.
Great guide! +1
I love playing Bounty Hunter so I guess I know a bit about him but in general, great items and tips. Like mentioned above, you may add some friends and foes section.
Also, how good is, on the current meta, damage oriented Bounty vs support oriented Bounty? I just want to know your point of view.
Hmmmmmm looks nice well-written it's actually amazing but can you add competitive replays?Some allies and enemies and food would be nice all in all nice guide+1 :)
I don't play Bounty Hunter, but I do know the hero fairly well and I don't see nothing wrong here, on the contrary: nice choices, and a complete, clear and very pretty guide! And it is your very first guide!! Well done, +1!
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just... i think blink is a bit obsolete on bounty hunter
blink is for people who initiate
or for heroes who are easily kited, and bounty hunter has his shadow walk for gap-closing, overall, great guide! liked the idea of guardian greaves, known as gg ;D
I am in college now however, so I'll eventually get to the friends and foes section you guys want, just not immediately.
Also, how good is, on the current meta, damage oriented Bounty vs support oriented Bounty? I just want to know your point of view.
Usually, I go support-oriented
However, if you're in the solo offlane, there's a lot more flexibility, since you are in fact considered a "core." It's mainly an issue of "what does my team need?" since
I love playing
Also, how good is, on the current meta, damage oriented Bounty vs support oriented Bounty? I just want to know your point of view.
I don't play
Keep up with the good work!