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5 Votes

The guide to the All role WINDRANGER

February 18, 2015 by lintang88
Comments: 9    |    Views: 16277    |   

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Blubbles (13) | February 19, 2015 4:28pm
Ok guide but tbh needs a lot of formatting. The blue makes it hard to read and the icons arent used very well. Also it's pretty outdated. Alot of people tend to go Diffusal now, maybe with a MoM. At least I use that and it works great now that diffusal isn't a UAM.

Overall a decent guide not worty of a up or down vote tho
YellulzQuiet (8) | February 19, 2015 5:58am
Wow this is a guide for 6.79 i think
very very outdated items
Orchid maelstorm and desolator together ? those 3 are snowballing mid game items. you would spend 15k of gold at items which DO NOT have so much potential late game
sorry -1
lintang88 | February 19, 2015 1:36am
ok thanks all for the reply

VERY appreciate it
i'll make another guide and will make it greater, again thanks :D
SatomiCappucino (12) | February 18, 2015 10:21pm
As people said, this is not finished, BUT I think it can become something good. There are many little thing you need to correct(eg magnus cannot give you cleave because you are ranged). The items however are not bad. Also this blue text x.x- please fix it or something.
Nubtrain (58) | February 18, 2015 3:57pm
Still needs a lot of work, I won't rate yet and give you time to improve it further. Be consistent with your text colors, either go full blue or don't. Use some spacing between paragraphs and add more content especially when you explain abilities or allies and foes.

Show pictures or videos on how to aim Powershot, explain further why heroes like Kunkka is a good ally or why Winter Wyvern is someone to avoid. Get your point across clearly and effectively so no matter what updates in the future come, the point of this ability or reasons of that hero still stands.
Krwiozerca (34) | February 18, 2015 3:42pm
Format this properly, please. I can't read that.

EDIT: Ok, I actually read it. This guide has some very poor explanation. It is wrote in a childish manner, most of the content here is just pasted notes on the skills from dotawiki. Guide is not finished, or the author is just too lazy to work on it. Most of the guide is written in blue, it is very unpleasent to look at. It brings literally nothing new, and, as Sando noticed, you are not following the title.

Waste of space.
Sando (118) | February 18, 2015 3:35pm
Guide is ok, but I don't think you've quite followed through with what's in the title...I was kinda expecting to see a multi-role, semi-carry (the build you listed), utility and support set of rangers. Maybe you can expand it?

Also, not sure about your starting items - they make sense as a set...but then you don't build them into anything - do you just sell that 200g ring?
apaz (17) | February 18, 2015 3:07pm
Basically, you make a guide to teach something to the general population something that they did not know about the hero. Although I really like your items(Except Stacking Clarities), I haven't learned much. I think that you should go more in depth with your analysis, and perhaps add more sections. I haven't done any counting, but I think your guide is also around the minimum 5000 words. Try and lengthen it with analysis and more content.

In conclusion, It seems that you know what you're doing when it comes to playing Dota, but new to writing guides, which is fine. I certainly went through my period of sucking at guides.
lintang88 | February 18, 2015 1:58pm
-Drowranger: The most Hardcore carry that deals high DPS and Slows you.

i mean the Drow ranger not Windranger
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