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The Guide to Phoenix

August 28, 2014 by Krystiangl
Comments: 2    |    Views: 21499    |   

Build 1
Build 2

Hero Build

DotA2 Hero: Phoenix

Hero Skills

Blinding Sun (Innate)

Icarus Dive

1 4 8 14

Fire Spirits

2 3 7 13

Sun Ray

5 9 10 12


6 11 16


15 17 18

The Guide to Phoenix

August 28, 2014


Phoenix - is a very powerfull iniciator, nuker, and a great disabler. He can be played in the mid lane as a position 2 hero, or an offlaner in the position 3. Phoenix is not a safe lane carry, even though with a level, and item advantage over your opponents Phoenix can carry the game to the victory through the use of his over powered nukes.

As a strength hero Phoenix benefits from strength items, not only insreasing hi's tankyness, but also allowing him to spam his nukes constantly.

Pros - Cons


High Stats gain (Str. 2.9)
(Agi. 1.3)
(Int. 1.8)

Good Starting Damage (43 - 53)
High mana, for the hero. Totally enough to sustain his need os nuke spaming (234)
Sunr Ray - Does pure damage, great against heros with low armor such as Crystal Maiden.
An amazing Ultimate giving him full mana, and HP regeneration.
A hero who can farm a Mekanism fast, giving his team a team - fight advantage.


Very low armor, only (0.32)
Low starting Movement seed (285), only 5 more then Crystal Maiden.
Small attack range, only (500)
Uses both HP as well as Mana to cast his abilitys.
Requiers quite a lot of time to master.

Skills - Description

Icarus Dive

Phoenix dives forward in an arc with a fixed distance in the targeted direction, dealing damage over time and slowing the movement speed of any units he comes into contact with, and then orbiting back to his original position. If Phoenix casts Supernova, the dive ends. Costs 15% of current HP to cast.
Range: 1400
Area of Effect: 200
Width: 500
Duration: 4
Damage Per Second: 10/30/50/70
Movement Slow: 25%
HP Cost: 15% of Current HP

Cooldown 36

Stop Iscarus Dive - Gives you a free escape ability, so that you dont have to come back to where you began with.

Fire Spirits - Summons 4 fire spirits that circle around you. Each spirit can be launched independently at a targeted area of effect. Affected enemy units take damage over time and have their attack speed greatly reduced.
Damage Per Second: 15/35/55/75
Attack Speed Reduction: 80/100/120/140
Duration: 4
Radius: 175
Cast Range: 1400
Fire Spirits Duration: 16
Fire Spirits Flight Speed: 900
HP Cost: 15% of Current HP

Cooldown 45/40/35/30 Mana 80/90/100/110

This ablity is blocked by Linken

Launch Fire Spirits - You pick a an area in a small AOE in which the Fire Spirit goes to damaging the opponents.

Sun Ray - Drawing from his own inner fire, Phoenix expels a huge beam of light at the cost of his own life energy. The beam damages enemies for a percentage of their life and heals allies for half the amount. Damage scales up to twice the initial damage as the beam fires. Costs 6% of current HP per second.
Range: 1300
Duration: 6
Damage/Heal: 15/20/25/30 + 1/2/3/4% Max HP per second (Allies are healed for half the amount)
Radius: 130
HP Cost: 6% of current HP per second

Cooldown 20 Mana 100
This isnt just an amazing ability in it self, but in team fights it allows you to at the same time support your allies by healing them, and damage your enemies!

Toggle Movement - Toggles slow forward movement during Sun Ray firing.

Supernova - The Phoenix willingly ends his current life for the chance to be reborn. Transforms into a burning sun that scorches enemies in a huge area. The sun can be attacked by enemy heroes; if it is destroyed, the Phoenix dies as well. However, if the sun survives for 6 seconds all enemies in range will be stunned and the Phoenix will return to life fully regenerated.
Radius: 1000
Supernova Duration: 6
Stun Duration: 1.5/2/2.5
Damage per Second: 60/80/100
Hero Attacks to kill Sun: 5/7/10

Cooldown 110 Mana 200

Great iniciation, team fight ability. Quite risky to use as you can die if the spell is stopped by enough attacks from the opponents.


Start - with a Clarity, Salve, Tangos, and Iron Brunches are a good start for the early game, giving you mana and hp regeneration. Even if you are going to the mid lane this build is still better then bottle rush

Early Game - Ring of Protection can be upgraded in to basi. Then force staff is not only a great way to initiate but also escape, and support your allies. Arcanes will also greatly support your team, as well as help you in spamming your nukes.

Mid game - Even more initiation comes with the blink dagger, in the patch 6.80 its an amazing initiation iteam as it does not use mana anymore. Drums are great to increase your mana and tackiness, ghost scepter will protect you from heavy damage dealers as well as it is another great way to support your allies. Again bkb, is one of those amazing items for initiators, making you a better tank, and a greater damage dealer.

Late game - As you are an amazing tank Heart of Tarrasque, is another great item on you, not only additional hp is great but also the HP regen which allows you to spam your abilities non stop. Linken's is also great in case you are getting disabled to stop, or slow down you initiation.


Phonex is a very versile hero, who is even able to jungle in a very similar way to Batrider. Even though he isnt as effective. All you need is to stack the large and midium camp at x52. Fly over them with Iscarus Dive.

Another way to jungle this way is to use Iscarus Dive on the cliff in the radient jungle only! stop the dive as you reach the top of the cliff and then you can easily kill the big camp, without taking any damage!

I would like to point out that this guide is not finished yet, pls dont leave unfriendly commends on it, thanks. Ill complete it at the end of this week.

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