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3 Votes


October 1, 2012 by groseille
Comments: 3    |    Views: 8561    |   

agility riki

DotA2 Hero: Riki

Hero Skills

Backstab (Innate)

Smoke Screen

2 12 13 14

Blink Strike

1 3 5 7

Tricks of the Trade

4 8 9 10

Cloak and Dagger

6 11 16


15 17 18


October 1, 2012


Hello all, I started dota 2 recently and I have not had the time to test 6 or 7 heroes, but having played riki me more tempted to approfondire the character rather than to other test. Winded and slow at the beginning, however it is really interesting from level 6 and fameu permanent invisibility spell ... Here's my an effective method for riki become a god!


-permanent invisibility.
-little mana used.
-good ganker.


-easily countered if the opponent uses precious stones, dust or neighborhoods.
little resistance (at the beginning anyway).


Smoke Screen

- Throws a smoke bomb in the area, silencing opponents and causing them to miss on most of their attacks. Also slows by 25% at all levels. Level 1 250 AoE, 40% miss. Level 2 275 AoE, 50% miss. Level 3 300 AoE, 60% miss. Level 4 - 325. AoE, 70% Miss Mana Co »t: 75/80/85/90 Cooldown: 13 Strike Blink - Teleports a unit and strikes it if it is a foe, dealing bonus dégts. Level 1 - Deals 30 extra points dégts. Level 2 - Deals 60 extra points dégts. Level 3 - Deals 90 extra points dégts. Level 4 - Deals 120 additional damage points. Mana Cost: 50 Cooldown: 30/20/10/5 Backstab - The Stealth Assassin is not afraid to fight dirty, and sp © cialized in attacking his opponents from behind. Level 1 - Deals .25 x the Agility of the SA to the target. Level 2 - Deals 0.5 x the Agility of the SA to the target. Level 3 - Deals .75 x the Agility of the SA to the target. Level 4 - Deals 1x the Agility of the SA to the target. Mana cost: N / A Cooldown: N / A permanent invisibility Rikimaru becomes permanently invisible when not attacking Level 1 3.5 second time melted. Level 2 once melted 2.5 seconds. Level 3 once melted 1.5 seconds. Mana Co »t: N / A Cooldown: N / A Coming

Blink strike (passive)

Allows a fast attack in the back of an opponent damage: 30/60/90/120.

Backstad (passive)

When riki behind this attack ability gives him another bonus damage based on its rate agility: 0.5 / 0.75 / 1/1, 25 x agility.

Permanent invisibility (the best)

Riki makes invisible permanently outside of these phases attacks or use of these capabilities.


healing salve : keeps you in line for a longer time.

iron branch and magic stick : to buy later magic wand.

slippers of agility and stout shield :to buy later poor man's shield.

magic wand : when loaded (15 max) can recover from life to stay in line even longer well for all three attribus.

poor ma's shield : +6 agility ; to start from the beginning to increase agility riki who are paramount.

power treads : +8 attributs (select agility), also increases the movement speed and attack.

Vladmir's offering : life steal 15% longer need to use a potion, really useful for riki.

Yasha : increases the agility of 16, and then allows the purchase of SANGE AND YASHA.

Difusal blade : greatly increases the agility of riki once again paramount.

Sange and Yasha :after already increasing agility thanks to Yasha will now increase the damage of riki and movement speed, attack and strength and damage.

Manta style : significantly improves the agility of riki (purchase endgame if you ***er gold coin).

Butterfly : significantly increases the critical attribute of riki (purchase endgame if necessary).

And finally, if you have money for the ***er aprtie I advise you to buy
crystalys to increase the damage and critical damage.

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