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13 Votes

The Glaives of the Moon Guide

May 12, 2014 by _LuVion
Comments: 9    |    Views: 19515    |   

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kvxdp | May 20, 2014 3:34pm
I think this is a bad guide. For a manta-based build, you want attribute based weapons so your illusions benefit - in this case, that's butterfly. You don't mention BKB even though it's basically core on luna (as on most farming carries). Finally, you list desolator as a luxury item even though its passive will not stack with lifesteal.
FleetAU (16) | May 13, 2014 4:02am
I don't even understand.....why would you do this....I am going to assume your a russian and not say to many expletives
Moodkill (9) | May 12, 2014 5:20pm
Bloodstone??? Arcane Boots??? Luna Nuking????? If you want to nuke with luna don't go for blood, get linken for the mana pool it's way more worth it. As for mjolnir,you need to have high damage before rushing it.
ThreadOfFate (14) | May 12, 2014 11:28am
You're telling us to get eclipse last and glaives first? No, just no.
Timminatorr (57) | May 12, 2014 10:55am
Just a god awefull guide, its not even worth putting tips in since everything is wrong about it and then we would just make a guide for him.
Krwiozerca (34) | May 12, 2014 10:25am
I see no point in delaying Moon Glaive in the 2nd build, to level them from levels 17 to 20. Why are you going for stats from level 12 to 15?

I completely disagree with Dagon on Luna. This is just terrible.

Luna is kind of a nuker, but it should never be your main role. If you want to nuke somebody, pick Ogre Magi for Christ sake!

Black King Bar is not a luxury item. It's almost a must on Luna.

Stop confusing new players.
Xyrus (104) | May 12, 2014 8:58am

I understand going for a greedy pair of Boots as first item but, dude, you will need a BKB when playing carry: Luna is a very squishy Hero, and most of the time she can't even use her ulti if the enemy team is coordinated enough to chainstun her to death. If I'm behind, I even delay the Helm of the Dominator to get a fast Black King Bar, but in any other case I buy it straight after the Helm.

Also, the skill build is really messy: why would you need early points in Moon Glaive? It just pushes your lane and messes up the creep equilibrium. I usually start maxing it by level 8 (with max points in Lucent Beam and two in Lunar Blessing), as by that time the laning phase should have ended and I can use it to farm jungle camps.

I also don't like the Mjollnir choice that much: generally, on AGI-based carries, a Butterfly is better for attack speed; as it also gives a huge chance of evasion and extra AGI (which means extra armor), I'd always buy it instead of the Mjollnir. Most of the time, I go BKB into Manta into Buttefly, taking the Satanic either before or after the Butterfly. If you want to go Mjollnir, I think you should skip the Manta Style entirely (as the illusions won't get bonus damage) and go for a Satanic or Eye of Skadi straight after it, to avoid being instakilled because of your low HP. Also, a BKB before the Mjollnir is obviously needed.

^ This -1ed

Also, there's no point in delaying Eclipse until lvl16, you get the most out of it at early levels since Heroes will get Tankier or worse still, buy Black King Bars to ignore it.
samukobo (28) | May 12, 2014 8:54am
Taking 1 level of Moon Glaives is situational. 2 is REALLY greedy and situational. Getting Eclipse and Lucent Beam late are not understandable anymore, and the lack of Black King Bar is a bad thing.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | May 12, 2014 8:23am
I understand going for a greedy pair of Boots as first item but, dude, you will need a BKB when playing carry: Luna is a very squishy Hero, and most of the time she can't even use her ulti if the enemy team is coordinated enough to chainstun her to death. If I'm behind, I even delay the Helm of the Dominator to get a fast Black King Bar, but in any other case I buy it straight after the Helm.

Also, the skill build is really messy: why would you need early points in Moon Glaive? It just pushes your lane and messes up the creep equilibrium. I usually start maxing it by level 8 (with max points in Lucent Beam and two in Lunar Blessing), as by that time the laning phase should have ended and I can use it to farm jungle camps.

I also don't like the Mjollnir choice that much: generally, on AGI-based carries, a Butterfly is better for attack speed; as it also gives a huge chance of evasion and extra AGI (which means extra armor), I'd always buy it instead of the Mjollnir. Most of the time, I go BKB into Manta into Buttefly, taking the Satanic either before or after the Butterfly. If you want to go Mjollnir, I think you should skip the Manta Style entirely (as the illusions won't get bonus damage) and go for a Satanic or Eye of Skadi straight after it, to avoid being instakilled because of your low HP. Also, a BKB before the Mjollnir is obviously needed.
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