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9 Votes

The Fun Ends Here: A Comprehensive Guide to Anti-Mage

May 26, 2014 by The Mighty Santa
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Bored Rockstar | January 13, 2015 6:50pm
I wonder how can you disassemble treads unless you just have bought them :D
But nice guide btw, although you forgot to mention buying quelling blade which increases farm speed in jungle or grants extra possibilities to farm creeps under tower.
Also vanguard was fixed in 6.83 (now it grants 66% of block chance instead of 80%) and IMO it slows you down on farming bf significantly
SoloKings.Adrenaline | August 22, 2014 3:14pm
Interesting guide
I wish they fixed the QoP blink image with the AM blink image, but dotafire hasnt even thought that they are mixed up XD
Resilience | April 11, 2014 5:43am
Astounding guide :D. But could you give us more information about his friends and foes ? Especially his difficult match-ups and how to survive if you're facing your counters.
Mirror (22) | July 13, 2013 1:12pm
This is a good guide that covers pretty much every thing about Anti-MAge. I was going to make a comment abut stat being situational sometimes but you covered that later in the guide so I have no complaints.

On trick as Anti-MAge when you have your manta is to jungle to other teams jungle and send manta illusions to push allowing you to contribute to the team even when you are farming. you get more gold by doing this too.

The Mighty Santa | July 9, 2013 5:14pm
Bladerail wrote:

AM's first skill is Mana Break, not Mana Burn haha. Not too major but yeah that's Nyx Assassin's Mana Burn.

Lol thanks a lot man. I changed it all. It's kinda annoying though having QoP's Blink instead of AM's Blink.
Bladerail (1) | July 9, 2013 4:06pm
AM's first skill is Mana Break, not Mana Burn haha. Not too major but yeah that's Nyx Assassin's Mana Burn.
depparted (3) | July 8, 2013 8:20am
The skill build on AM actually varies too much... If you're having a good early game, without too many ganks and stuff, go all for stats, with 1 point in mana break and 1 in blink, and start maxing blink when your BF is nearly done.. after that, focus mana break, since your manta shouldn't be far, and lastly, get spell shield.
However, if you're getting ganked and/or heavily harassed, earlier points in blink and spell shield are advisable
Sp12 (25) | July 8, 2013 7:00am
This guide would be good except for the random levels of mana break so early.
wallensteiN (1) | July 8, 2013 6:30am
CAMoRA wrote:

Early game? More Luxury late!

late, sorry. i am too sleepy today.
The Mighty Santa | July 8, 2013 3:49am
wallensteiN wrote:

butterfly isn't situational. is an early game item.

Uhh it's situational because it loses a lot of effectiveness with an MKB. And do you know how expensive it is?
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