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38 Votes

The Enigmatic Void - A Guide to Enigma

December 8, 2011 by Reed
Comments: 22    |    Views: 338097    |   

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Boogiemonkey | September 7, 2015 8:40pm
Why isn't pudge on enemies to fear
Minwan1 | May 25, 2014 4:28am
Invoker and Elder titan should be added to the list of allies.Black hole can help invoker land his chaos and deafening blast combo and he can also help enigma land his black hole using his tornado.Elder titan's ultimate+midnight pulse+blackhole=team wipe.
TheUnnamedGamer | February 4, 2014 3:21pm
Very good guide, I'm sure I will use it from on now!
Phantom Raven | May 7, 2013 11:08am
what about eul's scepter of divinity on enigma ? bonus disable bonus movement speed bonus mana regen, sounds fine to me but well i don't have much experience with enigma
Zurek (1) | February 27, 2013 12:34pm
A good guide. +1 from me.

You may also want to consider adding Warlock as a powerful ally on your guide. With Fatal Bonds and his ultimate paired with yours, there's a lot of damage to be had - especially with the other heroes you mentioned on your guide as being complimentary to Enigma.

Doing this would also eliminate having someone from the opposing team selecting him, thus taking away a deadly foe.

Thanks! Enigma is a hero I'm excited to try and get better with!
AdamoA (1) | January 30, 2013 2:39am
Hello everybody!

As a fairly new I've got a question about Enigma's Demonic Conversion: If I kill a creep w/ it I'll get the full XP+gold for it or just some reduced amount of them? (Cos I checked some games where they went in jungle and always killed the lesser creeps however there was always a bigger, stronger)
Thank you!

Btw nice guide! I def gonna follow this when l2p w/ Enigma :)
xCO2 (72) | December 17, 2012 3:33am
LiLPr0 wrote:

News flash it was made early this year aka its not updated :3

"December 8, 2011"
Sir you seemed to have skipped the time jump by one year, you and Dr.Brown should just hop back in that car and retrace your steps...its 2k12.
Eonwe | November 26, 2012 8:17am
I agree about the basilius part : you dont need it. I usually get sage's mask and 2 mana pot + courrier or wards, then rush soul ring which solves most of your mana problem early on.

Also you might want to add Silencer into "feared ennemies", his ulti will obviously interrupt yours and it also goes through bkb, which make it extremly hard to land a good ulti.
LiLPr0 (9) | November 10, 2012 4:32am
News flash it was made early this year aka its not updated :3
Cyclosis | November 10, 2012 3:45am
I dont really agree with the basilius start. You don't need that much the armor aura, because with just some multitasking you can control your eidolons and protect em from dying. Additionnally, u can't turn the basilius into something useful later. So it is not worth it.
Pranzatelli (3) | May 27, 2012 10:42pm
An idea: None of the boot choices are all that great for Enigma, so I often just disassemble my Ring of Basilius when I have 850 gold and build Tranquil Boots. The Mask goes into a Refresher Orb much later, and the Blink Dagger comes sooner (because Tranq Boots are so cheap).
Mrs Warboys (10) | May 17, 2012 10:17am
Nice guide. I totally agree with Midnight Pulse too, it's often too risky to try and cast it. Cast animations can just get you murdered when you could have initiated like a boss.
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