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The Comprehensive Guide to Phantom Assassin

August 19, 2014 by ThrudsEveningPrimrose
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ThrudsEveningPrimrose | August 20, 2014 9:22am
One of the games, i played recently. I made Daedulus, it is a worthy invesment, but when you go for daedulus as 3rd item, you usually have hard times, gaining durability. You become a glass cannon. After daedulus, i made sange yasha. After that i had 1.95k hp which was needed. So daedulus is a suitable sutiational item.
ThrudsEveningPrimrose | August 20, 2014 9:22am
One of the games, i played recently. I made Daedulus, it is a worthy invesment, but when you go for daedulus as 3rd item, you usually have hard times, gaining durability. You become a glass cannon. After daedulus, i made sange yasha. After that i had 1.95k hp which was needed. So daedulus is a suitable sutiational item.
Hamstertamer (89) | August 18, 2014 10:48am
The higher crit multiplier always overrides the lower one if both of them proc. Coup de Grace ALWAYS takes precedence over Daedalus.
You don't lose any Coup de Grace procs. You just get ADDITIONAL crits for free when Coup de Grace doesn't proc.

"Critical Strike: Multiple critical strike abilities do not stack. The highest effect will override the lesser effect if both proc at the same time. "

Phase Boots -> Desolator -> Daedalus full glass cannon two-shot queen PA ftw. Well, with a BKB somewhere in between of course :)
ThrudsEveningPrimrose | August 18, 2014 10:20am
Actually, both Daedalus and Coup can proc on the same attack, but the higher-damage-crit will override the weaker one.

This means daedulus will have 85percent of proccing.

You bought a Crystalis (20% x1.75 Crit), then you acquired a Buriza (25% x2.5 Crit): You now have a 40% chance to crit from at least one of those items, and in the case both triggered (5% chance) you would only get the critical from Buriza since you picked it last.

About picking it last, if you buy daedulus after lvl16, this means if ulti and daedulus procs at the same time, ulti wont hit but daedulus will. It is a huge loss.

I think i can update the guide like this,
Buy daedulus before lvl16 if you can. No critical after lvl16? right? If you think my idea is nice, try to post a comment about it. Your thoughts are really valuably assets.
ThrudsEveningPrimrose | August 18, 2014 10:13am
I have read your thoughts. I will make some research about daedulus right now, because i heard from a friends that daedulus decreases the chance of ultimate ability of pa. When i have certain information, i wil ltell oyu about this. Also from my games with phantom assassin, bkb was enough almost everygame, satanic is really good for sure but, vlad and desolator is more essential for early game presence. You can get active early game in 15th min with battlefury and helm of the dominator. My secondary thoughts on vlad is the stat gain. pa has -3 statgain, and good primary damage in the late game (white part). Also i like the help the team with my vlads aura. As you can know this is a guide for pub games, when you ask a support to buy vlad, they laugh at you. In a more competitive game as a team, vlad is a support item. Now I am off on a search to Daedulus case.
Fumbles16x (4) | August 18, 2014 7:35am
You covered PA pretty nicely in this. There are two ways that you can really play PA, and that's safe farming for the late game, or early action once you hit lvl 6-8. PA is actually a great ganker with a slow, a blink, and her unique protection from vision on the enemy's minimap.

As far as the second playstyle, I think you nailed it except for the Vlad's. Helm is just a lot better, and Vlad's is more suited to a 3-4 hero. The reason for this is that Satanic is something you need in the lategame, and helm is a substantial chunk of that. There's also a good trick with using Helm as an escape. Position your creep away from the battle and if things get bad, just blink away to it. If you plan on getting a desolator or skadi, however, I guess Vlad's is still somewhat useful.

For the safelane carry build, which is what I usually go for as PA, you should have a Battlefury before your helm. You want to start flash farming as soon as possible, so usually you want a poor man's shield, some boots, and then start on the bfury. Doing this can let you have a Battlefury by around 17 mins or less if you get a ton of last hits. Helm next, and you're good to go.

I'd like to also say that Hamstertamer is right about Butterfly and Daedalus. If there was one item I would never buy on PA that I see people making, it's Butterfly. It's just a bunch of stuff that you already have a ton of, and you could put that 6k gold toward an Abyssal Blade which gives way more benefits.

Also Enigma is the best ally for PA! Black Hole + Battlefury = GODLIKE
Hamstertamer (89) | August 18, 2014 5:57am
+1 for the Medallion of Courage/ Desolator build. Indeed armor reduction PA is really sick and with a build like this you can deal insane damage. I'm happy that there are non- Battle Fury PA builds posted on this site because people often mistakenly think that Bfury is the only way to play PA.
Power Treads/ Battle Fury PA deals no damage, while Phase Boots/ Desolator PA just two-shots people.

Daedalus : I see a lot of guides telling to not buy this on PA. I have yet to see a single guide that gives a good reason why. Crits stack, you know. They stack really well actually, you still get 85% of the Daedalus crit in terms of DPS. You can do the math, Daedalus gives more damage to PA than any other item you can get, and by far :
- Daedalus : +81 damage, and assuming 200 attack damage you get 200*0.35*0.85=60 damage from the crit. Total of +141 damage, which only scales up with your attack damage - you'll have way more than 200 attack damage in the late game.
- Monkey King Bar : +88 damage, +35 damage from the minibash. Total of +123 damage.
- Abyssal Blade : Total of +100 damage.
As you see Daedalus beats any other item in terms of damage output, and it only scales up in the late game while other items don't. And the added uncertainty from the crits synergizes perfectly with the 4 attacks from Phantom Strike. Without Daedalus, you're not sure to get a crit in this series of attacks, with it, you're almost sure to get a crit. So with Deadalus, 1 Phantom Strike = 1 kill.
The worst is that a lot of guides consider Butterfly despite the fact that *the evasion stacks terribly with Blur* (you get only 50% from Butterfly's evasion), while they say that Daedalus is bad without a single explanation despite the fact that you get 85% from the crit.
So...explain please!
ThrudsEveningPrimrose | August 18, 2014 5:17am
Yesterday i had a game against void as pa, i experienced it, in the first hand. I will update my guşde right ahead. But about phantom strike levelling early on, in my opinion, blink strike is not a very good escape because you need to blink to a creep or teammate to escape and its a lesser chance of working. I usually choose playing safe and trading hits when i sense no danger.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | August 17, 2014 9:59pm
in my opinion, one point in Phantom Strike is necessary ear;y game because it serves as a good escape mechanism,not to say kill securing during first blood attempts.

[Diffusal blade]] would not be my choice while facing an Omniknight. I would rather ask the no.2/no.3 guy to make it rather than you wasting an item slot.

edit: Faceless void dont need no [[Monkey king bar to kill you.

this is because all evasion is disabled in Chronosphere. refer to my guide for a better understanding of the hero.
ThrudsEveningPrimrose | August 17, 2014 3:59pm
HoTD is better for a carry PA and vlad for mid PA. But just as you said, Helm of The Dominators Power is not to belittle. Different PLaystyles different items friend. None of them are wrong.
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