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The badass pacifist : A detailed guide to PL

February 6, 2014 by Hamstertamer
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Hamstertamer (89) | July 27, 2014 11:44am
JO3MWHIT3 (1) | July 27, 2014 1:25am
Hamstertamer (89) | February 9, 2014 2:44am
I just rewrote the section on Radiance because it was pretty messy ; it should make my point clearer now.
Timminatorr (57) | February 7, 2014 5:38pm
Hamstertamer wrote:

Wow, Radiance on Naga is actually really awesome, I had no idea! You can almost double your GPM with it. I just tried it today and now I'm not surprised that Meracle could get a 6-slotted Naga at 45 minutes.
The fun part is that Radiance Naga basically comes down to playing Naga like a PL : spread across the map, flash-farm the jungle and the lanes, and split push like hell.

Now I understand why you thought that Radiance would be good item on PL.
However the difference between PL and Naga is that PL is already designed for that playstyle by himself, and you can do all that stuff with PL simply by getting to level 13 :)

Yea i agree, we did it again today.
We were getting stomped and i got a late radiance. Just before 25 minutes. But after that i stopped the fun and started ratting.
Eventually their drow fell of and we got megacreeps.
I wansnt able to go full merackle mode behind enemy lines though since i was quite afraid of their pudge catching me. Still i got all lanes pushed out and we started pushing closer and closer.

That is the nasty thing about naga and PL probably too, instead of bashing the enemy team to death they slowly strangle them like a snake. At first you dont notice and the next moment all 3 lanes are at your towers and destroying your base.
Hamstertamer (89) | February 7, 2014 3:12pm
Timminatorr wrote:

If you want to see an example look at meracle's naga in the titan vs DK or speed gaming matches.

Walking up to enemy rax, farming the 3 creepwaves as they spawn and if they go on you just pop song and tp out.

Wow, Radiance on Naga is actually really awesome, I had no idea! You can almost double your GPM with it. I just tried it today and now I'm not surprised that Meracle could get a 6-slotted Naga at 45 minutes.
The fun part is that Radiance Naga basically comes down to playing Naga like a PL : spread across the map, flash-farm the jungle and the lanes, and split push like hell.

Now I understand why you thought that Radiance would be good item on PL.
However the difference between PL and Naga is that PL is already designed for that playstyle by himself, and you can do all that stuff with PL simply by getting to level 13 :)
Timminatorr (57) | February 7, 2014 3:42am
Hamstertamer wrote:

I still wouldn't get Radiance on Naga but at least I can see the logic behind it. She is a pretty mediocre farmer even by spamming Rip Tide so she does indeed benefit from a better way to farm. She can send her 3 illusions to a different jungle camp each and flash-farm very efficiently this way, especially since her illusions last 30 seconds. I definitely think that Naga can improve her farm with Radiance.
The deal with PL is completely different : he is natively one of the best farmers in the game, perhaps even the best farmer in the game. I have seen PL players flash-farming the jungle on the respawn timer and farming two lanes at the same time. He really has all the farming power you could ask for with his skills alone, so I don't understand why one would want to pay for it. Just look at the pro game replays of PLs without radiance getting 600 to 900 GPM. Even a nature's prophet can't do as well.
If I had to get Radiance on an illusion hero I would get it on Spectre. Spectre has one of the best farming potentials in the game because her ulti allows her to afk farm all game long and still be present in any major fight. The only thing she lacks is a way to clear creeps quickly, and Radiance is definitely a huge help. Not to mention the great synergy with her ulti.

Yea makes sense. I can definatly see the logic behind that. You also get op your heart faster so you can annoy the enemy.

Is is often the right choice on naga though, i have completely turned around games with it, while still being able to help in fight before i have radiance.
This game we were about 20k gold behind and i got radiance after 20 minutes, but in the end i was untouchable and i destroyed the base while tiny was trying to keep up and hit me.

If you want to see an example look at meracle's naga in the titan vs DK or speed gaming matches.

Walking up to enemy rax, farming the 3 creepwaves as they spawn and if they go on you just pop song and tp out.
Hamstertamer (89) | February 7, 2014 3:05am
Timminatorr wrote:

Great guide, i agree with pretty much everying exept maybe not getting radiance.
Though i haven't played a lot of phantom lancer i dont know if you can completely write off radiance. Its just such a nuisance to play against and eats creeps.
I do play radiance naga though and i know that on her radiance does boost your farm for sure. And if you know what youre doing you can almost completely prevent the enemy team from pushing.

I still wouldn't get Radiance on Naga but at least I can see the logic behind it. She is a pretty mediocre farmer even by spamming Rip Tide so she does indeed benefit from a better way to farm. She can send her 3 illusions to a different jungle camp each and flash-farm very efficiently this way, especially since her illusions last 30 seconds. I definitely think that Naga can improve her farm with Radiance.
The deal with PL is completely different : he is natively one of the best farmers in the game, perhaps even the best farmer in the game. I have seen PL players flash-farming the jungle on the respawn timer and farming two lanes at the same time. He really has all the farming power you could ask for with his skills alone, so I don't understand why one would want to pay for it. Just look at all the pro game replays of PLs without radiance getting 600 to 900 GPM. Even a nature's prophet can't do as well.
If I had to get Radiance on an illusion hero I would get it on Spectre. Spectre has one of the best farming potentials in the game because her ulti allows her to afk farm all game long and still be present in any major fight. The only thing she lacks is a way to clear creeps quickly, and Radiance is definitely a huge help. Not to mention the great synergy with her ulti.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | February 7, 2014 12:59am
radiance should be added as a situational,for when faced by furion,naga style game
Timminatorr (57) | February 7, 2014 12:52am
Great guide, i agree with pretty much everying exept maybe not getting radiance.
Though i haven't played a lot of phantom lancer i dont know if you can completely write off radiance. Its just such a nuisance to play against and eats creeps.
I do play radiance naga though and i know that on her radiance does boost your farm for sure. And if you know what youre doing you can almost completely prevent the enemy team from pushing.
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