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The Backstabber

August 18, 2013 by CYKABLYAT
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Stats-build for riki

DotA2 Hero: Riki

Hero Skills

Backstab (Innate)

Smoke Screen

2 10 13 14

Blink Strike

1 4 5 7

Tricks of the Trade

3 8 9 12

Cloak and Dagger

6 11 16


17 18


Rikimaru is known for his carrying abilities in late-game and his permament invisibility. But one way to shut him down is either ganking him a lot in the early game or buying items that provide you truesight. This guide will make your Riki a real -tanky as hell- hard carry.

Pros / Cons

Hard-carry abilities
Permanent invisibility
A good aoe silence
Has a slight escape ability
Easy to shut down at early-midgame
Can't really fight bravely when he is seen

When to pick Riki?

You should not rush while picking Riki like all other heroes :)
You should wait because if you pick Riki as first pick enemy can counter-pick you easily with bounty hunter or slardar. You may think like "I'll be fine with linken" but what if you never get your linken? So wait a little before you pick riki, and if you want to pick riki inform your teammates because you can get flamed on pub games since 4 of them pick a carry and expect you to support them all :) If the enemy side has weak heroes (like crystal maiden) you can pick riki and backstab them as you please.

A good habit you should have while you play Riki

Check every one of your enemies inventory before you are going in a fight. Because if they have ward-gem-sentry you are pretty much dead.

What to do at early game?

At early-game you should be focusing on getting level 6 early and have really good farm. When you reach level 6 and you think you have enough items to fight you can try to gank easily killable heroes on the enemy side.


With the core items i suggest in this guide, you should have 2-3k hp and also 150-200 agility, so you will be very much tanky to survive teamfights or dust-ganks so never be afraid to fight once you get your Skadi. If you have your skadi, go around and gank alone enemies a lot. The slow from your smoke and skadi will help you a lot. Your enemy should be dead before he gets out the aoe of smoke.

Why treads for riki?

Well, rikimaru's 3rd passive skill deals a portion of your agility as physical damage so you can either keep them at agility for extra damage or just go for a safe strength power treads until you get your core items.

What about skill build?

You should focus on maxing your blink strike first as it gives you extra damage and escaping ability. When it is maxed use it everytime it goes off cooldown at teamfights because it grants you a lot of extra damage

When to buy the situational items?

You are going to need to buy a Linken if you have Bounty hunter or Slardar at the enemy side that will help you to avoid their truesight abilities. But don't rely on the skill block too much on fights because you can't know how much spells are going to be used on you :)
If enemy side has a hero with an evasion ability or butterfly you may need Monkey King Bar and its also good with the extra damage and mini-stun too.

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