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31 Votes

The Anti-Guide to: Drow Ranger

January 3, 2013 by thisismyrifle
Comments: 28    |    Views: 51363    |   

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DJConnelly (1) | April 2, 2013 10:01am
I liked it. Made me laugh. Would like to see more. +1
The Watcher | April 2, 2013 7:11am
A good guide, but awfully short and low on detail, with advice that is useful against pretty much any carry and that any experienced pub player will have learned within their first dozen matches. A simple list of heroes good against Drow would add hugely to this guide, heroes like Night Stalker with his own silence and that beastly slow/nuke, Slark with his pounce ability. Drow is horrible, but once you get the measure of her she is despicably easy to beat, even late game. Perhaps a list of late game anti-heroes would be useful. Slark, Phantom, Riki, Vengeful and any decent melee combined with a well used Blink Dagger or Force Staff spring to mind. The only thing that annoys me about Drow now is how heartily boring it is to face her in a match, and short of an insanely good supporting team, how often it means the game is over before it's begun as even a good Drow begins to die and feed as a result of the completely overrated reputation she has acquired.

Nonetheless, kudos to you for the guide :D
Chickensoup | February 28, 2013 12:16pm
Ways to stop drow:

1) stop doing all pick
2) do random draft, single draft, captains mode, least played, or all random
3) either 1 or 2 above

In all seriousness people hate her because she's easy. Anyone can own new guys with her because she gets the equivalent of a free ethereal blades worth of sage when alone at level 6, 2 at 16. She also gets a free rod of Atos slow.

She's manageable if your team picks right, but lets be honest. She's a problem in pubs because they dont
chenboy3 (2) | February 23, 2013 11:05am
blade mail = easiest way to shut down a drow (ghost scepter works too)
SkyStormSpectre (22) | February 20, 2013 8:09am
Very nice guide. And its true, if Drow gets shut down early game, she's usually to weak to compare to other carries late game.
xxblackxxrosexx | January 25, 2013 3:25am
+1 Very Helpful. And your sense of humor just cheered me up. "I hate to imagine how many developers she slept with in order to remain in the game...." Well said. xD
koticR | January 24, 2013 4:17pm
This was actually pretty fun to read and will be taken into account the next time i face her! +1
SuperNova-Sin | January 15, 2013 4:05am
i have a much simpler strategy in bot matches..... slark =D he ganks, he can go invis and gain movement speed, debuff. oh yeah and leash her there for the most noob lion to unleash a finger of death to end her.... slark is a easy counter to her on every level of the game. 1v1 slark wins, screw what stats dotabuff states, most people who play slark can't and alot of her power isnt in game. its outside in the minds of the people going against her that remember being slammed.
meru88 | January 11, 2013 1:47pm
This is very usefull for beginners, although so much talk about her pros and brown nosing, maybe its inverse psychology hoping for a nerf idk lol XD

i used a viper against drow in 3 matches whenever she was picked, very easy to kill at the start.
last match when she was shutdown, she diappeared from the match for about maybe for 15-20 min, came back with a shadow blade and a butterfly, so she went jungling i guess and that was pretty much it. so maybe add ward/camp blocking 5 min into the game a good idea?

good guide.
pretty in pink | January 10, 2013 9:05pm
xCO2 wrote:

You definitely over exaggerate how well Drow is, especially the "Queen of Right-click" comment, Mortred currently holds that spot. Drow is no longer a threat, and she was never removed from CM because the Devs were afraid, she's been removed because they don't add heroes that have recent construction on them. Drow is but a shadow of her self now, the only reason she was successful was because her aura was a global pusher allowing all lanes to be constantly applying pressure and scale into as far into the game as it needed to. Now her aura is local to creeps and she is rendered useless, she has no utility and that's all she was; utility. The only thing she has left is the ability to kite, orb walk, and silence. She is easily shutdown by nukers, stealth heroes, and of course Pudge.

Drow's strength was in the fact that her aura ability, at the end of the game, effectively tripled the damage of ranged creeps. Without the ability to excessively push out every single lane by sitting in base, Drow's usefulness sevearly decreases.
Yandros | January 9, 2013 1:33pm
Best counter to drow :
Pick tank, use blade mail.
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