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I, too, think you've done a great job. As Sp12 said, it's lacking a few aspects in strategies and some heroes, but you obviously put great effort into it. Even if it wasn't your idea, the concept for counter-guides is a long desired one I'd guess, and you did great with job with this. I really appreciate it :)
Any ideas on who's going to be next? I'd call Na'ix. He really frustrates me lately. His brutal slow, massive lifeleech and magic immunity make it much harder to shut him down early game than e.g. Ursa Warrior while he eats people just as hard midgame. And if you don't have appropriate carries, he eats your team even late game. Next to CK one of the strongest Strengh carries IMHO.
Thanks for your long comment Sp12. To answer your points:
- Riki can be an effective counter, (which is why I included him!), but it does rely on being able to take him down before he can escape the smoke and blink away, unless you bring another player with you to gank. Does allow for good harassment too.
- Did think about including Drow Ranger, she has got the tools with a long silence, some slow. Shadow Demon I think works well later on for temporarily removing him from team fights and summoning illusions, but personally I don't think he's particularly effective against him before then.
- Didn't include heroes on the basis of their usual build (i.e. they usually get a sheepstick) as they won't necessarily get the farm, it can be too long into the game, he can get a BKB, etc.
- Pure damage I hadn't thought about and you make a good point. Don't think that alone counters him, but it certainly sounds useful if and when you force fights.
- Jungle warding is mentioned towards the bottom already. Maybe I can make it a bit clearer, same with push strats - it's mentioned a few times, but I haven't got in to any detail as I wanted to stay focus on AM specifically.
- Does Rupture works with Blink??? I was under the impression it didn't - if so, then yeah that would make a great counter, provided AM is lazy with TP scrolls, or you have any kind of follow up stun.
I think you're missing some points. For example, Riki is one of the most common counters competitively to AM. He's not kind of good, he's a very strong counter. Cloud silences him even after he gets manta.
Another counter is midgame strength carries like CK and DK, who have a long stun and strong peak that let's them push and force fights before AM is really ready to fight. Drow is another strong solo counter via her silence, crazy physical DPS, and early peak, while PL is good because he'll outcarry an AM fairly early.
You're also missing pure damage dealers like OD, Bambi, or Silencer, all heroes who not only deal pure damage but regularly pick up an orchid or sheep. AM has very low strength gain, but good durability to physical and magic via his agility gain and spell shield respectively. Pure damage rips him apart.
Bloodseeker is another pub counter. He has a very spammable silence, and rupture deals stupid damage if he blinks. Ursa is another fairly good counter, as he is capable of physically bursting AM for most of the game.
Shadow demon is another very common competitive counter, as the illusions from disruption carry mana burn and remain bothersome to AM all game. Brood, PA, LD, and Slardar are also strong counters for their pushing/lockdown/burst.
There's also no mention of things like warding his jungle to block camps (a single ward can block 2-3x more in gold than it costs every single minute) or how to chainstun. Push strats are also important counters, as AM really can't fight before Manta if a battlefury build.
Good, but enough missing points that I'm abstaining voting for now.
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Any ideas on who's going to be next? I'd call Na'ix. He really frustrates me lately. His brutal slow, massive lifeleech and magic immunity make it much harder to shut him down early game than e.g. Ursa Warrior while he eats people just as hard midgame. And if you don't have appropriate carries, he eats your team even late game. Next to CK one of the strongest Strengh carries IMHO.
- Did think about including
- Didn't include heroes on the basis of their usual build (i.e. they usually get a sheepstick) as they won't necessarily get the farm, it can be too long into the game, he can get a BKB, etc.
- Pure damage I hadn't thought about and you make a good point. Don't think that alone counters him, but it certainly sounds useful if and when you force fights.
- Jungle warding is mentioned towards the bottom already. Maybe I can make it a bit clearer, same with push strats - it's mentioned a few times, but I haven't got in to any detail as I wanted to stay focus on AM specifically.
- Does
Another counter is midgame strength carries like CK and DK, who have a long stun and strong peak that let's them push and force fights before AM is really ready to fight. Drow is another strong solo counter via her silence, crazy physical DPS, and early peak, while PL is good because he'll outcarry an AM fairly early.
You're also missing pure damage dealers like OD, Bambi, or Silencer, all heroes who not only deal pure damage but regularly pick up an orchid or sheep. AM has very low strength gain, but good durability to physical and magic via his agility gain and spell shield respectively. Pure damage rips him apart.
Bloodseeker is another pub counter. He has a very spammable silence, and rupture deals stupid damage if he blinks. Ursa is another fairly good counter, as he is capable of physically bursting AM for most of the game.
Shadow demon is another very common competitive counter, as the illusions from disruption carry mana burn and remain bothersome to AM all game. Brood, PA, LD, and Slardar are also strong counters for their pushing/lockdown/burst.
There's also no mention of things like warding his jungle to block camps (a single ward can block 2-3x more in gold than it costs every single minute) or how to chainstun. Push strats are also important counters, as AM really can't fight before Manta if a battlefury build.
Good, but enough missing points that I'm abstaining voting for now.