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Unless you're playing against braindead idiots then you expect sentries and dust...
Dust isn't as much of a problem in the early game, the sentries shut you down because you can get harrassed out of lane easily, while dust only will really only help if they can nuke you down low enough during the duration, which dosn't occur as much during the laning stage.
Unless you're playing against braindead idiots then you expect sentries and dust...
Dust isn't as much of a problem in the early game, the sentries shut you down because you can get harrassed out of lane easily, while dust only will really only help if they can nuke you down low enough during the duration, which dosn't occur as much during the laning stage.
Unless you're playing against braindead idiots then you expect sentries and dust...
You speak like there are no braindead idiots in this game's community. Lmao.
Also you might consider adding sentry wards to counter ward or block the pull.
Unless you're playing against braindead idiots then you expect sentries and dust...
Agree with the first comment regarding
Also you might consider adding sentry wards to counter ward or block the pull.
Agree with the first comment regarding
I prefer medallion over deso for one reason: medallion is cheaper because after getting the 2 items I start ganking right away.
Other than that i really loved the guide, You explained the gameplay of bounty hunter in a very clear way, but you aren't playing a suicide lane gondar, right? cus if you are then the points in
Anw this is more of a midgame carry
The guide is well written and looks really good with all the images but there are a couple of things I personaly don't like.
� skill build is kinda meh: there is no point in maxing
� the item build: gondar is not a right clicker, you are not supposed to attack fast, you are a burst damage hero that farms a lot thanks to its ultimate and gets supportive items for the team. In some cases if you are overfed you can carry the team, but it is not your primary objective, that's why i disagree with butterfly and basher. I personally get
Personally, after trying a lot of times, I prefered the basher and the butterfly.
Talking about the medallion and the bkb, damn you're right. I completely forgot them! I have to update this guide immediately.
I'll also change the starting items as you said, it's a good idea.
• skill build is kinda meh: there is no point in maxing
• the item build: gondar is not a right clicker, you are not supposed to attack fast, you are a burst damage hero that farms a lot thanks to its ultimate and gets supportive items for the team. In some cases if you are overfed you can carry the team, but it is not your primary objective, that's why i disagree with butterfly and basher. I personally get