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5 Votes

The Almighty Gondar

June 8, 2016 by knight96-1994
Comments: 9    |    Views: 36981    |   

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San Jacobo (1) | July 18, 2013 7:03pm
dynasty987 wrote:

Unless you're playing against braindead idiots then you expect sentries and dust...

Dust isn't as much of a problem in the early game, the sentries shut you down because you can get harrassed out of lane easily, while dust only will really only help if they can nuke you down low enough during the duration, which dosn't occur as much during the laning stage.
San Jacobo (1) | July 18, 2013 7:03pm
dynasty987 wrote:

Unless you're playing against braindead idiots then you expect sentries and dust...

Dust isn't as much of a problem in the early game, the sentries shut you down because you can get harrassed out of lane easily, while dust only will really only help if they can nuke you down low enough during the duration, which dosn't occur as much during the laning stage.
bastardodentro (2) | July 17, 2013 3:33pm
dynasty987 wrote:

Unless you're playing against braindead idiots then you expect sentries and dust...

You speak like there are no braindead idiots in this game's community. Lmao.
dynasty987 (6) | July 17, 2013 3:27pm

Stout Shield is a good pick up, but it really depends on the lane you're against to: if you expect harass and sentries then you should definitely get it, otherwise you're good without it.
Also you might consider adding sentry wards to counter ward or block the pull.

Unless you're playing against braindead idiots then you expect sentries and dust...
bastardodentro (2) | July 17, 2013 1:37pm
dynasty987 wrote:

Need Jinada for slow early levels. Also helps for last hitting in the hardlane which is where gondar should be played. Also for this reason you NEED a Stout Shield --> Poor Man's Shield to reduce harass. Gondar is very squishy so Black King Bar is core. As Gondar is a ganker/utility rather than a true carry you are much better off getting mid game efficient items such as Drum of Endurance and Medallion of Courage before Desolator. I'd only go for a desolator if I get several kills early game as it lets you snowball massively.

Agree with the first comment regarding Butterfly and Skull Basher, you're better off getting a Monkey King Bar and Black King Bar as Gondar is not the sort of hero who can man fight an equally farmed carry in lategame.

Stout Shield is a good pick up, but it really depends on the lane you're against to: if you expect harass and sentries then you should definitely get it, otherwise you're good without it.
Also you might consider adding sentry wards to counter ward or block the pull.
dynasty987 (6) | July 17, 2013 4:47am
Need Jinada for slow early levels. Also helps for last hitting in the hardlane which is where gondar should be played. Also for this reason you NEED a Stout Shield --> Poor Man's Shield to reduce harass. Gondar is very squishy so Black King Bar is core. As Gondar is a ganker/utility rather than a true carry you are much better off getting mid game efficient items such as Drum of Endurance and Medallion of Courage before Desolator. I'd only go for a desolator if I get several kills early game as it lets you snowball massively.

Agree with the first comment regarding Butterfly and Skull Basher, you're better off getting a Monkey King Bar and Black King Bar as Gondar is not the sort of hero who can man fight an equally farmed carry in lategame.
Yoda (9) | July 17, 2013 2:31am
I agree with what bastardodentro said, yet I love picking up a basher on gondar since I find it very useful for ganking. I almost always buy and Orchid Malevolence and play a bounty hunter a la Clinkz. My Bounty Hunter core usually consists of some cheap cost-efficient items like Drum of Endurance (I always get this item) and, as mentioned before, Medallion of Courage.
I prefer medallion over deso for one reason: medallion is cheaper because after getting the 2 items I start ganking right away.

Other than that i really loved the guide, You explained the gameplay of bounty hunter in a very clear way, but you aren't playing a suicide lane gondar, right? cus if you are then the points in Jinada are mandatory.

Anw this is more of a midgame carry Bounty Hunter and not really a ganking Bounty Hunter (at least that's what i think)

knight96-1994 (2) | July 16, 2013 10:18pm

The guide is well written and looks really good with all the images but there are a couple of things I personaly don't like.
� skill build is kinda meh: there is no point in maxing Shuriken Toss first since you cannot sustain the mana cost and it scales poorly past level 2. I would get 2 points in Shuriken Toss, 2 points in Shadow Walk and max jinada first getting ulti when possible. Jinada is a must if you plan to gank, and you do, cause the slow will help so much and getting it only at level 7 might be a problem.
� the item build: gondar is not a right clicker, you are not supposed to attack fast, you are a burst damage hero that farms a lot thanks to its ultimate and gets supportive items for the team. In some cases if you are overfed you can carry the team, but it is not your primary objective, that's why i disagree with butterfly and basher. I personally get Phase Boots, drums of endurance and Desolator then I opt for vladimir's offering if there is a melee carry in team, otherwise i get a situational item like Orchid Malevolence, sheepstick, Assault Cuirass etc. There is no Medallion of Courage nor Black King Bar in the situational items and that's really bad. You might even decide to get bottle if you roam or a fast vlads if your team has a good pushing lineup. Also your starting items are wrong: if you really want to pick up basilius get ring of protection first so you can add a salve and complete the item at the side shop.

Personally, after trying a lot of times, I prefered the basher and the butterfly.
Talking about the medallion and the bkb, damn you're right. I completely forgot them! I have to update this guide immediately.
I'll also change the starting items as you said, it's a good idea.
bastardodentro (2) | July 16, 2013 4:43pm
The guide is well written and looks really good with all the images but there are a couple of things I personaly don't like.
• skill build is kinda meh: there is no point in maxing Shuriken Toss first since you cannot sustain the mana cost and it scales poorly past level 2. I would get 2 points in Shuriken Toss, 2 points in Shadow Walk and max jinada first getting ulti when possible. Jinada is a must if you plan to gank, and you do, cause the slow will help so much and getting it only at level 7 might be a problem.
• the item build: gondar is not a right clicker, you are not supposed to attack fast, you are a burst damage hero that farms a lot thanks to its ultimate and gets supportive items for the team. In some cases if you are overfed you can carry the team, but it is not your primary objective, that's why i disagree with butterfly and basher. I personally get Phase Boots, drums of endurance and Desolator then I opt for vladimir's offering if there is a melee carry in team, otherwise i get a situational item like Orchid Malevolence, sheepstick, Assault Cuirass etc. There is no Medallion of Courage nor Black King Bar in the situational items and that's really bad. You might even decide to get bottle if you roam or a fast vlads if your team has a good pushing lineup. Also your starting items are wrong: if you really want to pick up basilius get ring of protection first so you can add a salve and complete the item at the side shop.
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