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4 Votes

The Almighty Dirge: Undying Guide

December 7, 2012 by coletrain
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pumpermoose (2) | November 24, 2012 7:59pm
Been watching the tournament going on this thanksgiving weekend? Dirge has been played quite a few times and I have never seen him farmed to much, mostly just plays ahuge support role with mech/arcane boots. Something to think on in the future because pros are playing him with little farm!
coletrain | November 24, 2012 1:52pm
Hahaha thanks, I may have played a game or two with Dirge. :P
Thanks for the upvote!
coletrain | November 24, 2012 1:51pm
I definitely agree with Pipe of Insight on Dirge. I usually swap it out for Heart of Tarrasque if im up against a line of nukers and it has worked really well.
Undying is a very underrated hero and I think it is because there is so much to every ability that he has at his disposal. For example, many people assume Flesh Golem is simply hp and dmg bonus but it is so much more than that.
Thanks for reading and definitely try him out.
coletrain | November 24, 2012 1:47pm
@ pumpermoose
Thanks, and yes you don't see many players in pubs getting a bloodstone, I think simply because of its cost(5050g). Heroes that really benefit from it (Undying, Leshrac...), definitely thrive when they have it and it is a fantastic team-based support item.
Sometimes I think I may be farming a little too much, be he really does need it. With out the items he needs, its sooo much easier to nuke him down.
Thanks for the upvote!
kopzbaby | November 24, 2012 1:30pm
nice guide. clear and concise. seems to me like someone knows thier undying ;) good job!

wilddeonpwn (102) | November 24, 2012 1:25pm
Nice job on writing the guide coletrain! I never, ever play Undying, but if I ever random and get him, I will be following this guide :).

Nice written, you present it well, you supply good information, it's all a guide needs!

Just one thing; can I mention Pipe of Insight? Hood is great on Dirge, and it benefits greatly if it gets upgraded into a Pipe of insight, and you should be the one getting it since your the tan kin the middle of it all.

Anyways, nice guide, I'll refer back to it.

You have earned yourself a +1 :)
pumpermoose (2) | November 24, 2012 1:21pm
Cool guide. Bloodstoen def helps him out and his team out, so I like it in the build. I feel like it is a underused item simply because it is hard to get, and doesnt feed into attack. Great support hero for sure, tanking ability and casting ability is nice mid/late. I like the play style.
I think you could even play him as less of a farm user, playing more a of a supporting role because it is sometimes hard to justify getting dirge all the farm when there could be a Drow Ranger in his lane who needs it more ;)

nice guide. +1
coletrain | November 24, 2012 11:07am
@ Sp12
I have gotten Shivas in the past and it worked very well. For help against casters, I may choose to Pipe over Shivas, due to the face that it also buffs allies. However, you're right when the int on Shiva's helps all the Decay-ing he does, and it synergyzes well zombies.
The late game phase boots after bloodstone would help mobility and by then, arcane boots would be a lot less useful.
Lastly, I haven't built a Dirge with armlet but it does sound like fun. :P
I really appreciate the feedback, you've given me some stuff to think about.
coletrain | November 24, 2012 10:56am
Thanks Hades!
It still isn't quite where I want it to be and I'm sure there are some things I left out that others will pick up on. Although, I greatly appreciate the upvote.
Thanks again :)
Sp12 (25) | November 24, 2012 10:53am
My only issue is in late game you have heart over shiva's.

Undying gets lots of HP back during a fight from his ultimate, soul rip, and decay. Like necrolyte, his actual HP during a fight often ends up 2-3x his starting HP. As such, instead of stacking HP items it's often more effective to get armor and spell resistance. Shiva's gives a great AoE slow to synergize with zombies, tons of armor, some DPS reduction, and lots of int which allows for more decay spam.

Also, lategame you often see undyings go for treads when they dissassemble arcane boots for bloodstone. Undying ends up with lots of damage per hit from decay, but his agility gain makes his attack speed abysmal. Alternatively, phase can be good for positioning to drop tombstone.

A fun item on dirge is armlet.
Hades4u (296) | November 24, 2012 10:23am
Beautiful and well-written, nothing to complain about at all.

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