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5 Votes

The All-New Rikimaru!

September 1, 2013 by Yasutsuna
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Yasutsuna (51) | December 4, 2013 11:46pm
This guide was typed before the patch, and it wasn't variable that time as it breaks invisibility.

You might try rushing in pubs, but I'm sure you will get raged for it. As long as you don't feed. Who gives them the right to complain?

It might be variable now as it doesn't break invisibility so I will start working on this again using my Smurf account after I get back some of my DotA skills.
commandojimbob (1) | December 3, 2013 3:31am
Look I know this is a bit of fun but in a bot match the other day I did test out a Dagon. I managed to rush it by the 11 minute mark and , ok..... so it was only versus hard bots but it was great fun - shadowing a hero, Smoke Screen, Blink Strike, a couple of back stabs and finish with Dagon ! Equally, open up with a dagon from nowhere, then smoke, blink etc etc.

From there I went the usual Riki route but a very early Dagon is so powerful on Riki - IF - you are allowed to get it quick.

In Pubs - surely this would be fun times viable now it wont break invis ?
Mirror (22) | October 26, 2013 9:56am
Unforgivable, you get Dagon without E-blade? Not only does E-blade increase your damage from Dagon it also makes the damage from your right clicks over 9000!!1!
Yasutsuna (51) | October 26, 2013 1:37am
Hey, excellent point since Permanent Invisibility does not break when use of items. This is why Dagon is an awesome pick on Rikimaru! xD
Toomeytime | October 25, 2013 10:44am
Now that 6.79 is here... This could be extremely funny to see random red beam of death come out of nowhere. I have got to try this guide! Thanks bro!
TenshiN (6) | September 8, 2013 4:34am
For moar Dagon trolling, try a Dagon - Bounty Hunter, Bane or even Slark, as it adds up to his hit'n'run style. Nice idea though!
Destiny Shiraishi (6) | September 6, 2013 9:23am
Seems to work fair against AI, even though I tried it for 5 times. Maybe I'll bring it to public next time. Still, it was a a good troll, that bizarrely seem to work.
Yasutsuna (51) | September 2, 2013 1:47am
Optilex wrote:

Did you even bother reading the red lines?
digimondude | September 1, 2013 6:51pm
I'll practice this guide with bots, but I wouldn't dream of employing this tactic in a pub until I can execute it well. I really enjoy troll guides that work and are funny, but someone on your team playing a troll build and LOSING is something no one wants to experience. To use a troll build to the fullest extent, one must utilize its strategy flawlessly.
I love Dagon, by the way. Totally my favorite item.
Optilex | September 1, 2013 10:03am
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