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17 Votes

The Agility Abuse Guide

February 10, 2012 by alvadagansta
Comments: 9    |    Views: 32285    |   

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ricapica | May 10, 2013 2:46pm
diffusal is a much better choice than sny. It gives u a reliable slow that ensures a kill in a gank, and gives you 22 agility, which means a total of +50 dammage when backstabbing, and great 22 attackspeed whick will wreck anyone purged under smoke, not to mention +3 armor from the agi which helps a little vs physical dps. and diffusal is cheaper too :P
No Bear No | January 13, 2013 1:12am
-1 because of sange and yasha

sange and yasha is TERRIBLE. Don't ever buy it, seriously Manta Style is so much better for Rikimaru.
DmitriyFifteen | November 15, 2012 8:47am
Very good guide, well done!
Correct me if I am wrong, but i still don't think Ethereal blade is a better option for riki. Ethereal is 1100 gold short of butterfly and gives just 40 agility plus very nice 10 int 10 str stats. However, butterfly gives 30 agi and 30 dmg and attack speed. For agi hero that 30 agi will go to another 30 dmg and attack speed. in total of +60 dmg, attack speed and 30 agi to ur backstab. Not sure if that 10 extra agi will make backstab more effective than what batterfly adds in damage. Besides that 35% combined with smoke miss chance will make riki great initiator right? Blink, smoke it up and while enemy team focus you, your team focus them all. Haven't tried this yet, but seems doable.
Anyway, I do see Ethereal blade as excellent choice especially if you get counter picked as it is more defensive with it's active.

I'm new to dota, still figuring out how stat stacking. So, if I'm wrong let me know.
Xiron (4) | February 27, 2012 9:26am
I enjoy the items, but the leveling os really weird. Because, your Q is just awesome, you should level it at level 3 and max it at last.
And not at lvl 10...

but nice anyway +1
Atlas (117) | February 11, 2012 9:01pm
HamSandwich wrote:

Ironwood: 53g for 1 agi
Slippers: 150g for 3 agi

53/1 = 53
150/3 = 50

50 < 53

Therefore, slippers are more efficient than ironwoods. QED.

My maths fail me again.

I think I was taking into account the other stats. Still though, you're right.
HamSandwich (34) | February 11, 2012 8:36pm
Atlas wrote:

Actually, Ham, you are wrong. The correct answer is Iron Branch.

Ironwood: 53g for 1 agi
Slippers: 150g for 3 agi

53/1 = 53
150/3 = 50

50 < 53

Therefore, slippers are more efficient than ironwoods. QED.
Atlas (117) | February 11, 2012 8:28pm
HamSandwich wrote:

Most cost-efficient form of agi is slippers. O SNAP.

Actually, Ham, you are wrong. The correct answer is Iron Branch.
HamSandwich (34) | February 11, 2012 12:58pm
Most cost-efficient form of agi is slippers. O SNAP.
lionssaul (1) | February 11, 2012 11:15am
Interesting guide, I will try this soon, although I don't completely agree with your opinion about SkullBasher.. + 1
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