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That's AXE for you- Ready to "CULL"

June 18, 2013 by the_dark_shade
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Aggressive ganking jungler

DotA2 Hero: Axe

Hero Skills

Coat of Blood (Innate)

Berserker's Call

7 12 13 14

Battle Hunger

2 4 5 8

Counter Helix

1 3 9 10

Culling Blade

6 11 16


15 17 18

Axe as the jungling ganker

Axe in the jungle can spoil the fun for the offlane or the mid hero really bad. Depending on the offlane or mid heroes...whether they have any esacpe mechanisms or not. Axe is early and mid game basically he wont be good against late game carry monsters but early and mid game he can really shut them down

Starting Items trick

with 603 starting gold i would prefer to buy 1 salve,1 tango bunch and a stout shield. The remaining gold left would be 163...which is not enough to buy ring of protection, but its of no can buy ring of protection before you even engage your first small neutral camp. Just wait for 12 sec and order the courier to deliver it while you get ready to fight small neutral camp in 18 more seconds.


No one keeps a teleport with himself at 7 to 8 minutes of the game. Therefore i suggest to level urself up as i have mentioned to have a really early impact.....

How axe works

If you are on the radiant side jungle then bingo for you. Your mid hero is levelling up as well as ur solo offlane hero......while ur farming lane is being farmed by the carry and someone babysitting him.....In some situations where there are two heroes in offlane u have to work with the creep pull to keep the balance and if ur team has the solo offlane then the babysitter can pull while u can stack and farm the jungle efficiently leaving that camp to the babysitter to farm and deny creep waves...
1.Tranquil boot is an easy farm for axe within 2 to 3 mins whether working on hard or easy camps..
2. According to me do not scare the mid or the off lane hero until u level up to 4 or 5 when u can really kill them rather than scaring
3.Once you are level 4 look for opportunities.......check whether the mid or the offlane heroes are on three quarter health
4. If you see the creep wave is near your tower you can jump from behind while alerting your allies to auto attack the hero.......
5. U can start by putting battle hunger on him and auto attacking him.......
6. due to the numerous number of creep waves hitting you, ur counter helix would do lot of damage while ur battle hunger is doing dps......
7. 8 out of 10 times the hero eventually dies of hunger or during the gank..
8. if u get the kill.....rush soul ring and start moving around the map....killing ancients and heroes so that u farm and level up faster.
9. its not that easy as it seems but after some matches and some aggressive apprach u would get the hang of axe and the fun of playing him....

Mid game and situation specific

1.If you see that the opponents are highly dps you must go for blademail before dagger itself....cause u jumping in the battle without any durability wont work for the team....
2.If u see nukers then its better to go for hood of defiance then convert it to pipe which would help him and the team against burst magical damages
3.If any dps hero is on ur throat get heavens halberd which would keep him shut as well as give u evasion and maim to slow the target which you are hitting...
4. If u see all low hp heroes as ur opponents i would prefer u to get radiance or sceptor on axe ,as this would really help to wipe the opponents out easily
5.the work with bloodstone is a good build as it gives the mana regen for axe which he need badly if u want to spam hunger and it also helps ur allies with hp when u die in a battle....and you also respawn faster and lose less gold.........Always remember that if axe respawns faster he is ready to "CULL"..........I hope this helps you to be realy good with axe and its aggressive nature of gameplay.......just try this you will love it like i do...................

Pros / Cons

1. really durable not easy to get him down......if he goes down his team mate wont leave the rest of them
2. Really tanky initiator early and mid game
3. Can lane anywhere pretty easily
1. Melee hero always a problem against another ranged hero..
2. Late game can get outcarried by othe dps heroes easily
3. Low mana pool .....needs items to solve that problem

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