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46 Votes

Terrorizing (ANTI alt-tab)

March 21, 2014 by Sp12
Comments: 26    |    Views: 319136    |   

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Malko74 | May 25, 2016 7:12am
Pro: insane base armor...
Rayz0072 | January 2, 2016 2:00pm
I know this is total troll but have you tried the terrorblade dagon build? It's hilarious.
Fire309 (2) | August 20, 2015 11:38pm
Footprints are actually a con practicality-wise because if you are trying to escape into the fog of war (or jungle), people can follow your footprints. Cool effect though.
Malko74 | May 25, 2016 7:13am
Fire309 wrote:
Footprints are actually a con practicality-wise because if you are trying to escape into the fog of war (or jungle), people can follow your footprints. Cool effect though.

It's a local effect wtf... Enemies don't see it.
swamyee | January 9, 2015 5:50am
nice guide
TheSofa (54) | July 15, 2014 5:11pm
Whoa... Quadruple post?
SLNX | July 15, 2014 4:55pm
Very nice build, terroblade is one of those squishy at first, powerful if left alone to farm kind of Heroes. Awesome guide though. :p
mediocrechicken | April 11, 2014 9:23pm
Sp12 wrote:

I don't like armlet as an item anymore since the change to add the HP over time. I can't recommend it on anyone but CK anymore.

Armlet is still amazing on many heroes; Na'ix, Legion Commander, Bristle in some situations, Wraith King, Nightstalker, Spirit Breaker, CRYSTAL MAIDEN, etc.

Armlet will always be my favorite item!!!! (especially on CM!) :)))
mediocrechicken | April 11, 2014 9:16pm
Helm of the Dominator seems situational and useless. Could you please explain? I have never played the original Dota, and I understand Terrorblade is a very old hero. However, I can see no reason to get Helm. It seems far better to get your S 'n' Y or Skadi much faster.

By the way, you should definitely add S 'n' Y. From what I know of Terrorblade, it was just plain mandatory in WC3 Dota.
robomartion | March 10, 2014 10:30am
Skadi rush and Manta Style are core on this hero I think, with drums being optional if you're scared of dieing early on. After those two core items, I either get a Butterfly (more than one doesn't hurt) and a Daedulus. Brown boots are fine unless you want boots of travel for pushing. If you see an illusion rune (borrow someones bottle if you can) use metamorphosis, pick it up and go fight or push. At lvl 2 with Reflection + Metamorphosis you can solo kill almost any hero if you can attack them for the 5 second duration.
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