Terrorblade - This is my first guide
June 6, 2016
Reflection-Terrorblade brings forth an invulnerable dark reflection of all nearby enemy heroes. Affected enemy Heroes are slowed and attacked by their reflection. This ability is great for slowing down your enemies to stop them from escaping.
Conjure image-Creates an illusion of Terrorblade that deals damage. This ability is so good. It works best with his third ability. I use this so i can lure my enemy into a team fight.
Metamorphosis-Terrorblade transforms into a powerful Demon with a ranged attack. Any of Terrorblade's illusions that are within 900 range will also be transformed by Metamorphosis. Metamorphosis is a great ability which turns you and your illusions to turn into demons with ranged attacks. I use this with other illusions to push quickly destroy towers. It can be a scary sight when in a team fight.
Sunder-Severs the life from both Terrorblade and a target Hero, exchanging a percentage of both units' current health. Some health points must remain. This ult basically switches health with you and a ally or enemy hero, which makes this a offensive and supportive ult.
Early Game
The first thing you should get is Ring of Aquila. It will grant you and nearby allies a 2 armor buff and a mana regeneration. You could get diffusal blade before power treads, but i get the treads for the movement speed. Diffusal blade should be your next priority for it gives you +25 agility and 10 intelligence. It gives you the ability to burn your enemies mana so they cant fight back.
Mid game
Next go for Sange and Yasha.Sange and Yasha slows your enemy for five seconds. You can sell the Ring of Aquila. If you dont want Sange and Yasha, you could get Manta Style to take its place. This replacement also will go perfectly with metamorphosis, which makes more images to pwn noobs. Shadow blade is used for ganks and to escape your enemies. It gives your next attack 175 damage. Shadow walk lasts for 14 seconds.
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