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17 Votes

Terroblade. Illidan.

January 28, 2014 by Rudidudi
Comments: 12    |    Views: 70102    |   

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FR3GATA | August 27, 2014 11:34pm
Honestly, this isn't such a great guide. Ethereal Blade is a stupid item to have on Terrorblade. The idea of buying Ethereal Blade is to do high magical damage like buying it on Morphling and Meepo is a very good item, but on Terrorblade its useless. Buying Butterfly is just better than buying Ethereal Blade is a big waste. -1 from me. Sorry
KiwiTheBoss | April 14, 2014 3:07am
Zedek wrote:

This is definitely a good guide. It has lots of typos but the overall information is solid.

But I would like to make one point of clarification:

Skadi stacks with lifesteal in dota2. Period.
Despite what the tooltip says, the reality is that it stacks for both melee and ranged heroes. Keep an eye out in case this changes... but for the time being, you could totally get Satanic and Skadi and both orbs would apply at once regardless of whether you use metamorphosis.

It only stacks when used with ranged attacks. Hard to decide on Terrorblade, depends of how often you transform.
Maconviking | February 4, 2014 12:03pm
Great guide but this pretty much works for every carry in the game. give us some strategies that are good for terror not just general carries but otherwise GREAT +1
zakisslackin (1) | December 10, 2013 4:44pm
Good guide. He is a pretty difficult hero to play (since he can be pretty much 1 hit at the early stages). Reading this takes me back to the good ol days... I would try to make Skadi a late game item rather than a situational item. Overall good guide +1
Zedek | April 11, 2013 8:35am
This is definitely a good guide. It has lots of typos but the overall information is solid.

But I would like to make one point of clarification:

Skadi stacks with lifesteal in dota2. Period.
Despite what the tooltip says, the reality is that it stacks for both melee and ranged heroes. Keep an eye out in case this changes... but for the time being, you could totally get Satanic and Skadi and both orbs would apply at once regardless of whether you use metamorphosis.
Zedek | March 6, 2013 5:48pm

No, Illidan is not actually in dota2,
Illidan is the name of the hero in WCIII history, the name of the hero will be probably "Terrorblade"

Could also be Soul Keeper.

Could be Terrorblade the Soul Keeper... lol.
Rudidudi | February 21, 2013 2:04am
MultiXGamer1 wrote:

Is illidan actualy in dota 2 ???

No, Illidan is not actually in dota2,
Illidan is the name of the hero in WCIII history, the name of the hero will be probably "Terrorblade"
xCO2 (72) | February 20, 2013 9:22am
MultiXGamer1 wrote:

Is illidan actualy in dota 2 ???

No, but I'm sure he'll be renamed and added soon enough.
MultiXGamer1 | February 20, 2013 8:56am
Is illidan actualy in dota 2 ???
harumage (15) | February 19, 2013 5:39am
SuperNova wrote:

This guide is actually pretty good! I feel like I could play the hero now.:P. To improve you should try to fix up some of the spelling/grammar mistakes to make it perfect

pretty much sums up what i have to say
SuperNova (16) | February 17, 2013 8:47am
This guide is actually pretty good! I feel like I could play the hero now.:P. To improve you should try to fix up some of the spelling/grammar mistakes to make it perfect
Mirror (22) | February 2, 2013 4:34pm
Can not say if this information is correct since did not have the chance to paly Dota 1. However this game me some good insight on the hero. The formating was also great +1
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