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Tengu Templar Assassin Off-standard Build

October 30, 2015 by Ayaaki
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Build 1
Build 2

Mid Build to full agression

DotA2 Hero: Templar Assassin

Hero Skills

Third Eye (Innate)


2 3 5 8


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Psi Blades

1 4 9 14

Psionic Trap

6 13 16


15 17 18

Tengu Templar Assassin Off-standard Build

October 30, 2015


Guide is for TA mid with no threat of global silence or mass amounts of single target stun.

Basically if you have the threat of being locked down through all refraction charges mid game you have to build into Manta/BKB/Linkens sometimes.

The alternative build is when you are playing mid into a hero like QOP or invoker who has a decent ability to harass you. You need the meld to disjoint.

This build is how I play TA in pubs and works quite well for me.


Itemization is fairly straightforward and assumed you are proficient at blink meld strike and your refraction timing to not get melted and weave in and out of fights.

I always go wraith to bottle to boots, sometimes skipping aquila.

Core is always Desolator for synergy with her other abilities.

I consider butterfly core on her as well though the true core of the build is abyssal blade.

If you are playing TA and you are not dominating the mid game with blink and deso you need to consider your itemization anyways as it's a sign that the enemy team has the ability to deal with your burst and mobility.

When I play vs lots of right click I buy butterfly as the synergy with refraction is huge.

Mid to late game the abyssal adds another component to the blink meld strike combo. You can jump in meld hit once or twice then drop the stun and kill just about any hero.

My luxury items with this build is double daedalus although I almost never get it as I will usually end up getting bots, diving, buying back and ending the game before the 2nd daedalus.

A side note. With TA every time you open up space on the map concentrate on taking the bottom lane towers away and controlling vision with traps in enemies jungle camps. Use this vision to track people and know when it is safe to take Roshan on cooldown.

That is all.

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