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Templar Assassin-Ownage Guide.

January 16, 2013 by Dota2Guides
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Lenaya - Middle

DotA2 Hero: Templar Assassin

Hero Skills

Third Eye (Innate)


1 3 5 7


4 8 9 10

Psi Blades

2 12 13 14

Psionic Trap

6 11 16


15 17 18

Templar Assassin-Ownage Guide.

January 16, 2013

Full Guide

Hello Dota Fire Users.
This will be my second guide i have published after my first 'practise' one.

Anyway so he we go, This is a guide to playing Lenaya and stomping early game if played correctly so i'll teach you the build and alternatives for you to get a good early game advantage and kick *** in the mid game.

The basic build is to go for a fast bottle consisting of 3 iron branches but if you are up against a Queen of pain or a DoT hero you can get extra regeneration so you can survive the mid lane and win it.

Boots Choice:
Personally I like to get phase for extra chase with the traps but some players like to get treads for extra attack speed. The way that i see it is, Getting treads means you dont have to get Yasha and other attack speed items as fast on the other hand getting phase boots will not give extra attack speed. It all comes down to your style of play and how you like to it.

Ganking Time:
Blink dagger is usually always bought when playing TA. The only time that blink dagger isn't bought on a TA is when there is a Radiance and alot of DoT as it will render the blink dagger useless due to the damage stopping you from blinking out. BkB is also a great all round item for TA making her completely invulnerable besides a few things here and there but with it you can meld strike and refraction freely in a team fight and not get targeted so you can kill all those pesky supports . :) mwahaha.

Damage Items:
Lets start with the yasha, This item gives you movements speed, attack speed and a good little damage. Daedulas is one of best items for nearly every hero but with TA its very good as it gives her the ability to completely melt everything as her meld is able to crit aswell as her refraction damage makes everything so powerful.

Manta Style is also a brilliant item maybe the best so far as it gives you the best ability.
1. Manta Dodging - Manta split to dodge a stun or attack.
2. Manta Stopping - When taking DoT some spells will be canceled when Manta is spit after damage.
It also gives you all round good stats and agility, Attack/Movement Speed and A little intel to support more refractions and melds.

Extra Items or Alternatives:
MkB. This item is only good if your against a hard carry or just a hero that has got a butterfly as it is incredibly annoying to miss alot on those lucky bastards with all the dodge. MkB is also good with the high damage it gives you.

Butterfly. This item is picked up when there is alot of physical damage on the opposing side. The butterfly will give you the dodge if your lucky most of the time and good agility with attack speed making it also a perfect item.

DiViNe RaPiEr. WARNING : Getting this item my result in pure ownage and rampages.
Divine is bought to work within the crits making them so good. 300 damage also makes you invincible. But only get the divine if you know you wont lose it so you arnt gonna end up being an arrogant game thrower and losing it for the team.

Tips and Hints!
1.Use meld before refraction to make full benefits of the refraction as the minus armour makes your refraction so much better but sometimes you cant get that done.
2.Use your traps all the time. Have them at the rune locations at popular paths and jungling camps. You can also put one of these in the rosh pit so you can see the enemy if there rushing.
3. Always activate you phase boots all the time when chasing.
4. If bought treads remember to tread switch each time you use refractions and melds so you don't lose to much mana due to the recent nerf to her spells.
5.When in lane try to crack your shots with your psi blades so you do good harass to over win the lane and get your items real fast.
6.Your meld can also psi blade crack doing 200 dmg to everything behind it.
7.Your meld will crit with daedulas.
8.Make sure you make use of all you items.
9.Temaplar assassin is one of the better tower divers in the early stages as the refraction will stop tower damage quite a lot and making you able to kill the enemy if there low.

Thank you. I hope you find this useful.
If i get enough views ill post more guides to hero's you'd like with a full guide and item build.
Once again thank you to those who read.
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