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16 Votes

Techies - Headgames Guide

July 29, 2015 by TerraChron
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kianmir | January 29, 2016 7:45am
hi! i am a intermediate player, doing great with heroes like faceless void, bounty hunter, phantom assassin etc. but, a hero i have recently taken interest into is techies, and i wasnt really looking for such a guide, you are saying this "techies is a extremely bad-known hero, hard to play, easy to counter" and that isnt really attractive for a person willing to try the hero, i think you better say "techies is a hero extremely powerful in the right hands" (thats right with every hero)and also, really,REALLY add some freaking formatting, i cant read the guide, NO ******* COLORS BRO. also, i think you better change the guides title to "how to not suck as techies"
kianmir out
Rock and Roll | August 6, 2015 2:40pm
yeah yeah girls.
Techies is one of my favorite heroes in dota 2.
i've been playing this hero in many roles.

read your guide, i think you play offlane.
you grow status for self-def and regen rite?

ok, "the psychology behind playing techies"
in many case i think Techies is the "spirit breaker"
so playing Techies is like playing psycho-war
you can even break the spirit breaker's spirit

please rebuilt this guide to better form, i think this will be more interesting. :)
masaaki14 (11) | July 31, 2015 3:02am
techies is not squishy at all. he has a below average starting hp, but he starts with a whooping 6.96 starting armor, tied for second place with ogre magi. he is incredibly hard to right click down early on, and can suicide to boot.
TerraChron | July 29, 2015 4:48pm

Rename the guide to "the psychology behind playing techies" or something like that. It is not a guide on builds style or your average run-of-the-mill-guide people release at Dfire. This is a guide to the psychology of techies. How to fool people.

If you do this, I give you +1 , +rep and whatever you want. An amazing concept is elaborated in this piece of information, something that most guides do not.
Any item i have in my inventory, for free. except for the mythical ones

I am serious on guide rename though, because people expect full fledged item build and explanation and what you are offering is something that transcends the art of guide making.

Renamed and updated for 6.84
TerraChron | July 29, 2015 4:47pm

Take the +1.
but take an advice also:
A good guide is a formatted one.
I tend to avoid guides with walls of text,even if they were to be full of meaning.

I would have peeked in on this, if there were to be some formatting. My reason, i looked it right now was that yours figured in on top guides for last 30 days.

I get your advice, but there's a lot of information here, and removing it turns this into an item guide. I can't give a play-by-play because every match is different. I'm trying to get people to get good at Techies, not hold their hand. But thanks!
TerraChron | July 29, 2015 4:46pm

Can you please explain your reason for taking stats at level 4?

Stasis traps are mana sinks early game, and an extra level in suicide is unnecessary.
TheGooGaming (29) | January 4, 2015 3:56pm
I like this guide. It reminds me of the one I made mid 2014.
Kyphoid returns (42) | December 25, 2014 2:31am
Take the +1.
but take an advice also:
A good guide is a formatted one.
I tend to avoid guides with walls of text,even if they were to be full of meaning.

I would have peeked in on this, if there were to be some formatting. My reason, i looked it right now was that yours figured in on top guides for last 30 days.
TheSofa (54) | December 22, 2014 7:10pm
Awesome guide, easily a +1 from me.
famasofwar (4) | December 18, 2014 12:48pm
Blink or die.

Need that suicide bombing ability br0. Also smart for escapes since you are usually in very unpleasant areas.
Unscathed (47) | December 18, 2014 2:39am
Awesome guide. Thou hath inspireth our feeble minds.
Kyphoid returns (42) | December 16, 2014 8:37am
It might be because he hates stasis traps and diesnt want to level his suicide. I dunno why.
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