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4 Votes

Techies - brains and bombs

January 14, 2015 by shockingpants
Comments: 7    |    Views: 30743    |   

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bboyle | March 5, 2015 2:51am
The guide is nice, but I find people going into late game tend to have a harder time winning with techies on their team. Techies might be a great game prolonger but that doesn't matter much unless you have a NP or Tinker on your team to take advantage of the fact you can't team fight and win (only reason you should be trying to prolong the game. Techie's is much better played as a early to mid game hero with a pushing and camp blocking aspect to ensure early and mid game dominance in my opinion. Also, Bloodstone is nice but I find it not so amazing when you compare it to the scythe or orchid you could've gotten in that price range. Techies is a great hero when used as a Disruption, Crowd Control Hero. But again everyone has their techies preference and this guide matches yours and seems decent for how you play him so. +1 (we can all agree to disagree on some heroes play styles).
bboyle | March 5, 2015 2:51am
The guide is nice, but I find people going into late game tend to have a harder time winning with techies on their team. Techies might be a great game prolonger but that doesn't matter much unless you have a NP or Tinker on your team to take advantage of the fact you can't team fight and win (only reason you should be trying to prolong the game. Techie's is much better played as a early to mid game hero with a pushing and camp blocking aspect to ensure early and mid game dominance in my opinion. Also, Bloodstone is nice but I find it not so amazing when you compare it to the scythe or orchid you could've gotten in that price range. Techies is a great hero when used as a Disruption, Crowd Control Hero. But again everyone has their techies preference and this guide matches yours and seems decent for how you play him so. +1 (we can all agree to disagree on some heroes play styles).
Twisted Logic (2) | January 20, 2015 4:56pm
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

says the guy with the best techies guide around.

Heh, that's the beauty of Dota. No matter skill level or bracket or time played, there is always something new to point out or learn about the game.

Btw thank you for the kind words. Guide just hit 5 stars on Steam!
shockingpants | January 14, 2015 9:28am
This is still work in progress, but thanks for the feedbacks!
KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 14, 2015 2:38am

I like it! Especially the part about mining rune spots at higher tiers, it ain't gonna fly!


says the guy with the best techies guide around.
Unscathed (47) | January 14, 2015 2:35am
Texty but well presented
Twisted Logic (2) | January 14, 2015 2:31am
I like it! Especially the part about mining rune spots at higher tiers, it ain't gonna fly!

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