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Team work: The one thing Pubs are missing.

February 24, 2015 by Sicly
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Team work: The one thing Pubs are missing.

February 24, 2015


I am Sicly, also known as Siv (Ingame name) I'm a noob *Insert Gasp* I've only played 150ish games and to be honest I have no idea how good I am at this. But here I am, I won't be posting guides on how to play a hero because all I can do is follow other peoples guides, you will see Strategy, common sense and how to make the best out of a bloody pub game.

Team work.

Team work: The combined action of a group, especially when effective and efficient.

Dota is a team game, if you didn't know that you might as well stop playing or go play Lol or something. You can't solo in this game, it just doesn't work, knowing this fact makes you better at this game than 50% of the players.

But Sicly you cry "How can I get these guys to work together! All they do is spew racial slurs and curse words like the devil was sitting there taking notes!" Well the devil should be taking notes, these people are insane but they are your team mates and that you can't forget, no matter what they say, you are stuck with them. There is no me and them, you are a part of them and that is a fact.

Deal with it. Can't deal with that?

Leave then.

Good now that all the anti teamwork people are gone, we can get down to Business.

Do and Don't


Have a mic, typing everything you can say just won't work, people will not read, drawn into fights and lastly if two members are fighting over a mic, no one is going to be reading some guy typing away.

Be polite: This is the most important I can say, no matter what I say this is the ONE THING THAT YOU MUST KNOW! Doesn't matter if one guy is raging at you saying all the hatefully things he can mange, Be polite. This will have one of two affects A) It will piss him or her off or B) He will calm down. This will also bring your team mates to your side, If you stay polite, most people will see you as the victim.

Respect everyone's ideas: Never say someone's idea is "Dumb" Point out the flaws yes, say how this might go badly but never say it's "Dumb" it will just make them feel bad.

Wards: You always need to have wards up, at all times, I'll get to this in the comeback section.

Make jokes: Always keep up a humorous pretence, if you're playing a Ursa make jokes about eating the other team, see a noob brood pushing out of it's web "MMMH FREE SPIDER STEW" then go murder the guy.

Intervene: If two mates are fighting step in, if Cm is feeding bot offer to swap lanes, whatever you do try to keep the peace, this applies to you too.


Think you are the leader: You aren't, it's a bad idea, everyone wants to me the leader, the poster man, if you demanded it from them things will go bad. Respect is earned, earn their's.

Leave Conflicts alone: You need to do something, I can't give you a clean answer for this as it's something that depends on the issue.

Let despair win: Everyone knows he guy who calls "GG" 20min in because Pa got fed, don't let that happen and if it does this is when you need to end the threat, more in the comeback.

Don't let the other team flame your team: You are part of a team, team mates stick up for each other, no matter what they say to you, they are your team mate, stick up for them.

The Comeback

You're 20min in, lost all your tier one towers, Their carry is fed, their supports are building BKB and Aghs, your team mates are being murdered left right and centre. This is the most difficult thing you can pull off, you are out farmed, out pushed and you're team mates are taking it out on each other.

You need wards, always. It is the greatest thing to counter ganks and they cost 150 a pop, you need to keep your carry farming at all costs and these will help you set up ganks. But Sicly want if they deward? Have you ever seen a snowballing lion dewarding? My point stands.

Did you see that axe solo pushing top? Go murder him, this will do two things A) Give you xp and gold B) Give your team hope, hope is your only currency in this case.

Dust roshan, sneak in and push their bot lane while they wasted their time flaming. Make every mistake of theirs hurt, include everyone get teamwork flowing, no matter what you need to keep the good fight going.

Teamwork is your only hope in this case, you need to joke, you need to laugh, you need everyone at their best, I've played games where we were losing, so badly... But we didn't care, we just wiped their team! Go insult that you stupid DROW! Sorry, that was unusual of me.

A final word.

Working as a team is difficult even in the best of times, but if you can pull it off you have the best chance of winning and having fun,

PS: I'll probably be adding to this but this has just been my thoughts on the matter.

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