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3 Votes

Team Swipe Specialist

May 18, 2017 by Editor44
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Axe The Mogul Khan

DotA2 Hero: Axe

Hero Skills

Coat of Blood (Innate)

Berserker's Call

4 8 9 10

Battle Hunger

1 12 13 14

Counter Helix

2 3 5 7

Culling Blade

6 11 16


15 17 18

Hero Talents

2x Battle Hunger armor multiplier
+100 Berserker's Call AoE
+100 Culling Blade damage/threshold
+25 Counter Helix Damage
+10 Berserker's Call Armor
+10% Battle Hunger slow
+3s Culling Blade Speed Bonus Duration
+10% Movement Speed per active Battle Hunger

Team Swipe Specialist

May 18, 2017

Who is Axe ?

1.Axe is an initiator,pusher and a carry.Not only that he can support the team well by taking all hits and killing off heroes when they reach a certain amount of hp.

2.Counter Helix: This ability should be max out first as Axe has a low amount of manapool and mana regen.Not only that your Berserkers Call(that is to be max after counter helix) will give you a large amount of chances to activate your counter helix which will greatly help you out in early gangfights and killing off soft heroes near towers.

Introductions to Abilities

Berserkers Call

-Forces everyone within 300 radius to physically attack you
-Gives you bonus armor points

Since it has only 10 second cooldown it can be use both offensively and defensively.You can use it to kill off wounded heroes with disabling abilities(i.e wraith king,lion).
You can use it to survive against some skills while going to the fountain(finger of death,laguna blade)as you can use it in sight of nukers and help a wounded teammate by forcing thier attacks on you.

Battle Hunger

-Allows you to spam heroes and allowing easy culling blade in early gameplay
-Gives Axe a bonus movement speed when cast on a player

It can be use to kill off heroes that are out of attacking range
It is usefull when you need to abandon your teamfight due to low health or any disadvantages

Counter Helix

-Deals 100-205 damage around Axe
-Has -1 sec cooldown
-No need for mana and has a 20% chance when attacked

Since Beserkers call makes the opponents forcefully attack Axe there are more chances of counter helix and making it usefull in teamfights and taking down large number of creeps.
Hence,making this the most useful ability Axe has.

Culling Blade

-Kills an enemy instanly if health is at 300/450/625 or less Hp
-When a kill is made by using this ability,Axe and all nearby allies will get bonus movement speed for 6 sec

It is one of the most useful ability in a team fight as it can kill durable heroes easily if they are within the threshold and goes through shallow grave

Pros and Cons of Axe

1.Has a high hp and hp regen
2.Has an ability to handle large amount of creeps(Counter Helix)
3.Has ability to kill off heroes when they reach a certain amount of hp or below

1.Has low manapool and manaregen
2.Abilities consume lot of mana
3.Some of his abilities cannot work when certain condition is received
4.Has an ability that can immediately go off by killing a simple creep or hero


Early Items and Boots

Poor Man's Shield and Infused teardrops can help you in surviving some attacks and nukes.Allow you to farm and kill heroes quickly

Tranquil Boots can help you with farming in both lane and in the jungle but does not give any attributes against heroes.While Power threads can help you greatly in terms of hero as it makes you more sturdy.

Soul Ring is also necessary when there are some long ranged heroes or heavy nukers as you will need to deal damage by using your battle hunger.

Core Items

When using Axe you must mainly focus on making yourself sturdy and hard.Therefore using Vanguard or Hood of Defiance depending on the battle situation.I.e vanguard is useful when there are a lot of heavy hitters while hood of defiance is needed when there are lots of nukers and ability reliant heroes.

Black King Bar and Blademail is also necessary as it provides you spell immunity for a short time(which is useful in hero handling)and allows you to repel back all the damage you received(which is very useful as you will be sturdy and will have a lot of Hp.


Heart of tarrasque and Assault Cuirass give a lot of armor/hp bonus and it one of the most needed items of Axe alongside with Shiva's Guard as it provides Armor and manaregen both which Axe needs.

You can buy Crimson Guard and Pipe of Insight if you have troubles on farming and killing on heroes as they provide you reduced damage taken and reduced magic damage taken.

Thank you for reading this guide and please leave out a like.(P.s The talents given are just for show not recommended for every battle)

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