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7 Votes

Tanky Pudge

November 25, 2011 by exTro#154404
Comments: 6    |    Views: 23544    |   

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FirstSniper | December 7, 2012 4:26am
Great guide, i really like it.
I recomend buying:
Bottle --> Boots of speed --> Urn of shadows --> Phase boots --> Vanguard --> Heart of Trasque --> Bloodstone --> Aghanim's Scepter

Works like magic.
Try to team with an arcane boots user once in a while to replenish mana and spam runes
exTro#154404 (1) | November 26, 2011 8:07am
Sorry for double post.

I see now the items of my devourer guide are here in the game too but I think the Bottle is not this bad. I'll add them now.
exTro#154404 (1) | November 26, 2011 2:26am

Ah good. I thought my guide wouldn't be that successful in Dota 2 because I don't know it. Thanks! Your answer helped me alot.

Hope you will have nice scores with this build.

If you have a beta key for me it would be very nice because I can't wait anymore. My e-mail: [email protected]

Swordz (2) | November 26, 2011 2:06am
Don't worry about it being to devourer, it works pretty well with pudge. I use a Devourer guide to my Pudge, and the pudge guides are all kinda like it. Works pretty well.
exTro#154404 (1) | November 25, 2011 11:34pm
It sounds stupid but I wrote this guide with my experience of Devourer of HoN. There I used the same build and went very good with it. The Guide-System of HoN made my guide upvote to 98% and is on the 7th place of the Devourer guides.

I never played Pudge before. I just wrote this because I wanted to share my build in Dota 2. Please don't flame me just because I didn't played him yet but I will when I get a Beta Key.

Hope you will like the build.

My build on HoN (There I'm called Todesgift):


Thanks to that feedback. I wanted to have a tanky Pudge so I thought it would be good here like in HoN.


EDIT: Oh, I saw my guide was 98% and my skill sequence was at 7 and 8 Rot and not Meat Hook. Changed: Level 7,8: Rot ; 9,10: Meat Hook
ixFusion (8) | November 25, 2011 10:50pm
Vanguard is something I've never tried before I think if your going to buy a ring you should grab hood instead of Vanguard or getting both. The chance of blocking a bit of damage + regen + hp doesn't help especially since your targeted throughout the game. Besides that very informative +1
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