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7 Votes

Tank You Omniknight

June 13, 2013 by KGB.Goblinguy
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KGB.Goblinguy | June 14, 2013 1:25pm
Thank you both for the insight I appreciate on the build.
KGB.Goblinguy | June 14, 2013 1:24pm
Raylord wrote:

Orb of Venom should be situational, I don't think you will always be able to harass with it.

I don't think that you will always need to get the orb just for the fact you may have enough slows or stuns to keep the target down long enough to kill them. But if you are not getting it because you are unable to get into the fight and harass then you are probable in a situation where Omni was the wrong pick. Getting into melee range and being able to tank and slow better than the rest is really the only reason that you might need to pick him up instead of dazzle or sd.
KGB.Goblinguy | June 14, 2013 1:20pm

Mek + Arcanes is more tanky than Vang + Treads.

True that the mek would give you another nice heal and armor, you really don't want both the mek and the pipe on the same hero for reasons stated in the guide. The vang is worth more in a situation where you are the one that is initiated on as many times the other team can keep you chain stunned long enough to keep you from meking. As far as the arcane go, to each their own. Most boots can work on him so it is a matter of play style.
Raylord (3) | June 13, 2013 11:00pm
Orb of Venom should be situational, I don't think you will always be able to harass with it.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | June 13, 2013 10:55pm
Mek + Arcanes is more tanky than Vang + Treads.
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