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4 Votes

Tank Tree

November 13, 2012 by Private_Ryan
Comments: 9    |    Views: 21533    |   

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turumaji | August 31, 2014 7:55am
There is no need for bloodstone.. just want to say it
Private_Ryan | November 13, 2012 6:10pm
Mirror wrote:

I like the color and most of the content but I disagree with radiance in the over fed group. radiance is only good if rushed. Since the blood stone refresher and heart all should come first the game would have been going on for some time. Still a solid job +1

Even if its mostly late game, having a radiance burning everyone throughout an entire team fight can still stack up damage. Mostly its just for more teamfighting damage, even if it is not as useful late game, plus adding 60 damage to Treants already considerable damage per hit is pretty helpful, since with Treads he'll be attacking considerably quicker.
Mirror (22) | November 10, 2012 1:35pm
I like the color and most of the content but I disagree with radiance in the over fed group. radiance is only good if rushed. Since the blood stone refresher and heart all should come first the game would have been going on for some time. Still a solid job +1
Private_Ryan | November 2, 2012 8:03pm
Atlas wrote:

Why is a bloodstone needed? He isn't terribly mana-costly.

A bloodstone gives a huge tank bonus with the +500 health, and if you get refresher, then having that mana regen helps to keep casting abilities. Always keeping Leech Seed on cooldown during a fight can really help, as your entire team will get 300 health about every 12 seconds
Atlas (117) | November 2, 2012 4:09pm
Why is a bloodstone needed? He isn't terribly mana-costly.
Laudes (1) | November 2, 2012 8:23am
Arcane boots and soul ring should be in all treant games! Same on all str-supports, soul ring!
Private_Ryan | November 1, 2012 9:37am
jaslam wrote:

I would say an early arcane is better than treads. You will notice that Treants skills become more mana efficient as he levels them (particularly nature's guise) so the boosted mana, as well as the active for the whole team would be beneficial. you can break it up later on for the bloodstone anyway, and then get treads or travel. (that attack speed boost is minimal, as you're not designed to essentially hit something continuously - that's someone elses job.)

Though it is more expensive - a mech can give you the same benefits as a vangaurd. you may not have the dmg block - but the armour will increase your EHP quite a bit, + the fact your str is already high is also good. the active is of course one of the best for the team in the game. Don't forget you still have the stout shield for some dmg block anway (or upgrade to poormans for an extra 300)

I would be careful with referesher as your first major buy - I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have enough mana to cast all skill, refersher and OG/all skill again..

You'll only be able to finish the refresher late game since Treant isn't supposed to farm a lot, and by that point you would have just enough mana for a double overgrowth. And thank you for the arcane recommendation, but I personally go with a Soul Ring because its easy to finish very quickly and in lane, if it takes you a long time to get arcane boots, you wont be able to use leech seed as effectively in the beginning, and i'll add the Mek
jaslam (21) | November 1, 2012 5:37am
I would say an early arcane is better than treads. You will notice that Treants skills become more mana efficient as he levels them (particularly nature's guise) so the boosted mana, as well as the active for the whole team would be beneficial. you can break it up later on for the bloodstone anyway, and then get treads or travel. (that attack speed boost is minimal, as you're not designed to essentially hit something continuously - that's someone elses job.)

Though it is more expensive - a mech can give you the same benefits as a vangaurd. you may not have the dmg block - but the armour will increase your EHP quite a bit, + the fact your str is already high is also good. the active is of course one of the best for the team in the game. Don't forget you still have the stout shield for some dmg block anway (or upgrade to poormans for an extra 300)

I would be careful with referesher as your first major buy - I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have enough mana to cast all skill, refersher and OG/all skill again..
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 1, 2012 1:19am
Nice guide, I like it! +1, but here's some feedback:

Maybe you shouldn't start with the soul ring recipe. Start with a Tango or Salve instead, as you'll probably need more regen. Other than that, I like this very much. Tank Treant is the way to go and this item build seems to work quite well, I will try it next time I think about playing him.

Anyways, this is a great addition the the Treant guides, you should be proud. Well done good sir!
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