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April 1, 2013 by MexicanDog
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MexicanDog | April 1, 2013 9:05am

I have a few problems with this build
1. The only item the point booster builds into that is good on bb is a skadi, of which you dont have on this guide, so its kind of a wasted pick up
2. Vlad is a very bad early item, the early damage amp is wasted as your damage early is low. Also lifesteal is bad on bb, hes a spammer not a right clicker, even then helm of D is better for the armour
3. I cannot stand Radiance on bb, the extra damage is wasted on him, its a too large of a item to pick up when he cant get far better items earlier to much larger effect. you can do so much more with a armlet and drum for cheaper. if your getting it as a farming item, bb shouldnt be the dedicated farmer.
4. Get Q at lvl 1 or 3, the later you get it is the later you can kill others

1. Yes thanks for the advice i will put it.

2. Yes BB isnt a right click but when you are level 6 you need auto-attack after you wait the 3 seconds coldown Quill Spray so when you auto-attack with the Warpath buff and then the Quill Spray spam you get a lot more time to stay on battle and get extradamage also you got the fair enough mana regeneration for keeping spaming Quill Spray

3. Radiance at late game give you the extra power damage and aoe combination with you Quill Spray so veryuseful in team battles that can nuke all the team with your tank items no one want to focus waste of time so you can attack and do extra dmg.

4.Q is more useful after you get lvl6 then you can chase your enemy
CountryClubAntics (2) | April 1, 2013 2:26am
I have a few problems with this build
1. The only item the point booster builds into that is good on bb is a skadi, of which you dont have on this guide, so its kind of a wasted pick up
2. Vlad is a very bad early item, the early damage amp is wasted as your damage early is low. Also lifesteal is bad on bb, hes a spammer not a right clicker, even then helm of D is better for the armour
3. I cannot stand Radiance on bb, the extra damage is wasted on him, its a too large of a item to pick up when he cant get far better items earlier to much larger effect. you can do so much more with a armlet and drum for cheaper. if your getting it as a farming item, bb shouldnt be the dedicated farmer.
4. Get Q at lvl 1 or 3, the later you get it is the later you can kill others
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