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9 Votes

Talk is silver, silence is golden - 6.79 updated

November 24, 2013 by Tikru8
Comments: 5    |    Views: 56563    |   

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DJTiez | January 16, 2014 4:22am
dynasty987 wrote:

Add bloodseeker to friends. It's such an aids lane. Bloodseeker silences, silences uses his Q. No hp or mana for your enemies.

Agreed, just be careful when you cast it, because it increases damage output of the silenced one. I only use it on enemy heroes when it's lv1 one because a 30% damage increase is not a great threat but 60%/90%/120% becomes a serious liability.

I learned the hard way, "silenced" a 25% HP Huskar in a 1v1 fight with lvl2 Bloodrage. I just melted...
DJTiez | January 16, 2014 4:11am
Good day! Thank you for taking the time to write your knowledge for others to enjoy. However, I believe you may have overlooked something when editing this guide after the 6.79 update.
In the Item Build you mention the following:
If you have a rough time in lane get Tranquil Boots and disassemble them later.

As you undoubtedly know, the latest update has made it impossible to disassemble the Tranquil Boots.

Despite that small error, I very much liked reading your guide. +1 from me!
dynasty987 (6) | November 25, 2013 9:47am
Add bloodseeker to friends. It's such an aids lane. Bloodseeker silences, silences uses his Q. No hp or mana for your enemies.
MeatWaad (1) | November 18, 2013 9:48am
Since a joined Dota 2, Silencer was my personal favorite Hero, he's an annoying hero in every stages of the match and very versatile.

I really liked your guide, my last winning match w/Silencer, I used 3/4 of your HA HA HA STAYING ALIVE items plus Hood of Defiance for the lack of HP regen.

I would like to add one more thing: When you get 200%< Mana regen, yuo can actually spam your glaves I mean always activated and your mana will never run out, improving your farm, damage to enemies and forgetting to activate or deactivated it.

Nice guide <3
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | September 16, 2013 9:32am
See, I always enjoy supports like Silencer and Warlock, who are pretty terrible supports in the sense that they have Level dependency and no real disables or even nukes for that matter... supports with pretty poor early game presence compared to other supports! I like em because generally they make better dual lane supports than tri lane. It is always nice to have heroes who have higher functionality in certain tactics than others.

I would rather have a dual lane silencer + carry than a dual lane crystal maiden + carry if i was forced to dual lane, any day.
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