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Nice guild +1
Have you ever considered getting a dagon lvl 1? I do not like dagon most heros but it gives you even more burst.
I've gotten Dagon 1 on bots, and yes it does work, but I would have to advise against it unless you're absolutely stomping like by getting bloodstone before 20 min. If thats the case though then yeah, dagon 1 is an amazing item to his arsenal mid-game. Late game however, you lack the damage you had before compared to your enemies health so me personally would much rather spend the dagon money for part of an
As for the guide, I hate power treads on him, as attack speed is worthless because 1. He can't attack while he has Chak out and 2. His right clicks are pretty ****py anyways. I'll usually just get arcane boots again. Other than the boots, good guide. :)
Nice guild +1
Have you ever considered getting a dagon lvl 1? I do not like dagon most heros but it gives you even more burst.
It could be a good idea since it can make Timber burst just outrageous and his ult will slow a ton if the enemy is low enough.
The thing is: Rizzrack needs to stay in the middle of the battle to be effective, and Dagon doesnt really give him any HP, meaning he will be very fragile.
Maybe if you had some kind of support with a shield, but other than that I see it as a High Risk/High Reward item IMO.
Have you ever considered getting a dagon lvl 1? I do not like dagon most heros but it gives you even more burst.
I would add a lane preference, for instance suicide lane? Reason being it's hard to get first blood in mid, suicide lane means you have plenty of trees on the enemies side, leading to lots of different initiation positions, as well as the fact that you can then also make a quick chase through a jungle and get back, mid lane isn't a really good choice, first blood can help a lot. Also add chakram techniques such as throwing it behind your enemy, pulling it back, side stepping then timber chaining past the enemy, possibly getting three chackram hits. Hard to pull off, but high skilled players may not know about it :p other than that it's an amazing guide!
Thanks for the constructive feedback! :)
Be sure to not double post next time though xD
As someone who is relatively new to the hero, would a mid build be viable? Getting a bottle allows for good regen, runes, which help for ganking as Rizzrack has awesome rune control and the quick levels help avoid that beginning squishy/no armor stage. While I recognize there are better mids, I don't think Rizzrack is an absolutely terrible mid. Beside the fact that trees are scarce from the last hitting areas (which probably isn't the best place to go aggressive on an enemy hero anyway) the long range on chain allows for pressure when chasing/racing for a rune. Would a mid roaming Rizzrack be viable?
Yeah he could be viable but I think hes much better at sidelanes.
But anyways, he could do pretty good against other melee mids like Pudge. Timber will have a bad time trying to W since it will put him in a bad position but Bottle is a ****in beast on him :)
Try him out, but be sure you wont be stomped by your opponent. If you see the other team pick Pudge, yeah try Timber mid. If it is someone like Silencer, dont go Timber and youll be fine.
Hope it helped :)
Yeah, I will add some tips to land Timber Chain. Even if it is pretty simple, some tips never hurt!
And I dont know how I forgot the Shiva o.O
Thanks again! :)
I would also add a part on how to get kills with Timber Chain, simply because it is a great ability.
+1 :)