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10 Votes

Swiggity Swagnus, Let's Play Magnus

April 19, 2017 by Nahmae
Comments: 18    |    Views: 52025    |   

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mr.dark gouki (1) | May 24, 2016 4:39pm
Well as mag player i don t get why people max out skewer i do it like lvl 1 empower farm and save mana lvl 2 shockwawe but do no use it until you put point in it on lvl 3.
trick is lvl 1 first skill does patethic dmg on lvl 1 but waiste same amont of mana its better
to take empower for farm and put next 2 levels in first skill then use it
.lvl 4 skewer, lvl 5 first skill again, then ult max first skill then max third skill, for items build like this boots, bottle, wand, blink, forcestaff, upgrade boots in the boots of travel. then make shiva last item refresher, never make refresher first you will not have mana to use it.
1 ult+shiva is much better does more dmg and slow is almost like double can have like 2 x shiva 2 x ult with refresher.
if game still isn t over get mjolmir, heart ,***oult curias, moonshard or radiance.
hell you can even get pipe or skadi choices are endles.
i build this way cuz i watched arise best mag in the world he build like that.
that is why i did same as him wrecked most of my games.
make autocast hotkeys for your spells so you can blink skewer in the same time you can make qick cast hotkey for rp and use it to turn around while casting rp.
and follow up skewer after.
by turning around i mean making enemy facing direction you want and skewe right away rather than having to walk around them.
it shoud look like you blink in press to walk direction you want enemy to be cast rp in the same time.
they will end up in direction magnus is facing its allweus the case when casting rp.

another tip i can give is to predict enemy movment when trying to skewer without ult rather than casting on hero curent location.
its similar to pudge hook but its the oposite of it good luck have funn
masaaki14 (11) | May 24, 2016 5:30pm
Bro, punctuation. Can't understand a single thing trying to read through that giant wall of text
mr.dark gouki (1) | May 25, 2016 1:49am
masaaki14 wrote:
Bro, punctuation. Can't understand a single thing trying to read through that giant wall of text
sorry yea you are right i l fix it
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Nahmae (1) | December 18, 2015 11:35pm
Sp3ctr3 wrote:

What? No Sven mention?? Those dudes are like the super duper wombo combo!!!

Ah, of course. Thanks.
Sp3ctr3 (4) | December 18, 2015 6:57pm
What? No Sven mention?? Those dudes are like the super duper wombo combo!!!
Juiced | September 16, 2015 8:17pm
Nahmae wrote:

@ Juiced,

Thank you for your feedback! Yeah, working on adding some more sections. The carry Magnus build is awesome, you're right - I will make sure to add a section dedicated to that soon. Pictures for the skill/item descriptions would improve it a lot, as well. However, I think that Bottle + Brown Boots is more practical for Blink rush, as Bottle can restore health as well as mana..

Ya, it's kind of a personal preference i guess. I just re-read my comment, and sorry if I came off critical, (did not mean it to be like that). Thanks
Nahmae (1) | September 15, 2015 10:24pm
Excellent suggestions that will all be taken into consideration.
Sanvitch (18) | September 15, 2015 5:08pm
I'd put a mention about how it can be more valuable to only put two in Skewer and then max Empower next when you've got a core who'd benefit from the farm increase.

Since cleave is still cleave when it comes to farming.
Smuggels (82) | September 15, 2015 4:56pm
hey dude. if you are doing a utility magnus i suggest placing force staff and euls and refresher in your core items. there is a reason why high skill players cosistently buy those items on magnus. anyway gl
Nahmae (1) | September 15, 2015 3:27pm
@ Juiced,

Thank you for your feedback! Yeah, working on adding some more sections. The carry Magnus build is awesome, you're right - I will make sure to add a section dedicated to that soon. Pictures for the skill/item descriptions would improve it a lot, as well. However, I think that Bottle + Brown Boots is more practical for Blink rush, as Bottle can restore health as well as mana..
Nahmae (1) | September 15, 2015 3:25pm
R-Conqueror wrote:

Swiggity switle,
I down voted 'cause of the title :P

R-Conqueror (24) | September 15, 2015 3:18pm
Swiggity switle,
I down voted 'cause of the title :P
Juiced | September 15, 2015 7:20am
Decent guide, somewhat short. Summarizes other recent Magnus guides. A couple things to fix: You did not list that Empower gives cleave unless i missed it. Wouldn't it be better to get arcanes rather than a bottle when rushing blink? It is only 250 more and gives you a large enough mana pool to use all your spells. This is more opinionated, but Carry Magnus is viable, buying MoM battlefury daedulus with empower can destroy a team. You did a good job with linking all the items and heroes, but you could use icons instead of linking the same item over and over. The code you have to put in is: item/hero. You could use this code to make the skill breakdown much more "pretty' (this is all found on the bbcode guide): You seem to contradict yourself when you say "He is not a carry support or a ganker" and then say at lvl 6 he is a strong Ganker. You could go deeper into ranked play and mechanics such as using your attack key to change the direction of RP. But ya, Pretty good, a little brief. I might make a Mag guide, been playing him lately.
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