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Surgical Strike Shadow Shaman (6.84c)

June 2, 2015 by rikame
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rikame | June 2, 2015 7:32pm

Well, Shadow Shaman is a ward *****. Yes he can push but as a pos5 you must buy wards, smoke etc.

Add wards to item section... seriously. Also Boots of Travel are way too expensive, and greedy. Blink Dagger is an okay core.

Consider better formatting. The guide is kinda hard to read :/.

This is specifically a build that is somewhat greedy. It isn't difficult to save 2k gold after you have arcane, unless the match is going so poorly that you have no chance of using the boots anyways. I added edits to clarify what should be done with supporting items but Boots of Travel are the core of this build. Blink Dagger isn't sufficient to take its place. I'll work on the formatting.

michimatsch wrote:

Hex no longer disables passive abilities.

I completely missed this patch note. Fixed.
Timminatorr (57) | June 2, 2015 6:16pm

Well, Shadow Shaman is a ward *****. Yes he can push but as a pos5 you must buy wards, smoke etc.

Add wards to item section... seriously. Also Boots of Travel are way too expensive, and greedy. Blink Dagger is an okay core.

Consider better formatting. The guide is kinda hard to read :/.

hes actually a very greedy 4, he really needs the arcanes and blink as well as levels, and scales well with farm.

people overestimate him as a laner IMO. he is pretty short range, slow and squishy. yes he is very good in a safe trilane against a single offlaner, since he can easily kill him, but against a good lane with 2 or 3 heroes he suffers hard.
michimatsch (26) | June 2, 2015 5:40pm
Hex no longer disables passive abilities.
SatomiCappucino (12) | June 2, 2015 6:00am
Well, Shadow Shaman is a ward *****. Yes he can push but as a pos5 you must buy wards, smoke etc.

Add wards to item section... seriously. Also Boots of Travel are way too expensive, and greedy. Blink Dagger is an okay core.

Consider better formatting. The guide is kinda hard to read :/.
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