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4 Votes

Support Treant - With Boots First. (6.81b)

August 24, 2014 by Sanvitch
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Sanvitch (18) | July 31, 2014 12:17pm
Elbinac wrote:

Soul Ring is pretty handy for keeping Leech Seed mana ready early on.
I tend to spam Living Armor on the other lanes to supplement/bolster regeneration items early in laning phase.
Usually, two points in Nature's Guise is enough for most of the game.

Depending on how early ganks go, assist gold may let you transition into a semi carry, yeah?
Mask of Madness is nice for running stuff down and getting in extra damage during Ult, but pretty situational.
Drums of Endurance are something I find myself picking up a majority of the time.

When I'm feeling silly, Battlefury is a fun pick up for the regen and adding cleave to your high base damage.
Makes split pushing a lot easier solo, and then just Nature's Guise out before the opponents can get to you.

But I'm not particularly skilled at Dota, I just note the things I find to have utility.
Boots of Travel are my preferred boots late game of course.
But early on treads work pretty well, I use swapping of course.

I'll mention Soul Ring as another option, because it is equally valid as an option. And yeah, it's another way to use Leech Seed I just don't encourage it because you get more out of having ready and waiting for Ganks than pure spam at every occasion. Two points in Guise can work yes, but I feel like at that point in the game you'll usually be losing utility, so there's not a lot to really demand stats first.

Transitioning into a Semi-Carry.... See if I was doing that well early game, I'd rather just get my core and start working towards luxury utility items that will age better into the game. Beyond the base damage (Which just gets mitigated after like two items on two on opposing damage dealers normally) he's got nothing to really help him as a semi-carry.

If you can get Mask of Madness very early then it might be worth a pick-up just to create easier pick-offs, but I can't think how often I'd be going for that as a pick-up.

I don't feel like Treant is a good support for a split pushing line-up. Especially given how long it would take for a 4 or 5 position Hero to get a Battlefury. Especially given you should be buying wards repeatedly. It will probably work in some pubs at some point.

Yeah Boots of Travel are probably the best late game boots. But I just assumed it was a standard bit of knowledge.
Elbinac | July 26, 2014 4:22pm
Soul Ring is pretty handy for keeping Leech Seed mana ready early on.
I tend to spam Living Armor on the other lanes to supplement/bolster regeneration items early in laning phase.
Usually, two points in Nature's Guise is enough for most of the game.

Depending on how early ganks go, assist gold may let you transition into a semi carry, yeah?
Mask of Madness is nice for running stuff down and getting in extra damage during Ult, but pretty situational.
Drums of Endurance are something I find myself picking up a majority of the time.

When I'm feeling silly, Battlefury is a fun pick up for the regen and adding cleave to your high base damage.
Makes split pushing a lot easier solo, and then just Nature's Guise out before the opponents can get to you.

But I'm not particularly skilled at Dota, I just note the things I find to have utility.
Boots of Travel are my preferred boots late game of course.
But early on treads work pretty well, I use swapping of course.
Sanvitch (18) | July 26, 2014 11:23am
Updated to resemble something close to completion now.
tcadd (1) | July 12, 2014 7:08pm
I like what there is of this guide so far. Can't wait to see more added - Can I suggest adding a changelog for at least major changes? Otherwise I'll just be looking every once in a while.

Definitely love the concept of Treant Protector, but I have a hard time putting it into practice.
Sanvitch (18) | July 12, 2014 11:49am
Yeah, I was trying to view it after a few format changes and accidentally pressed publish. Shan't be doing that again.

So I'm still adding stuff to it daily, and as I view a work out more tricks and that.

I've found it's alright in pubs when you've got competent team-mates. Since, you basically just need someone with a stun whose willing to roam with you to get the most effectiveness early on. Winning lanes is still a good thing to achieve in pubs, so I don't think it's bad by any means.

I just think that without something like Boots first, Tree's just not going to be a major presence relative to other supports.

I'll try and finish the item section by the end of the day.
Moodkill (9) | July 12, 2014 8:08am
Is this guide not finished yet? The item explanations are halfway through but for the boots first thing, I have no objections. Seen(and used) many times in competitive play but not sure about pubs.
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