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Support Roaming Riki

June 21, 2017 by refyn
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Support Riki

DotA2 Hero: Riki

Hero Skills

Backstab (Innate)

Smoke Screen

2 8 13 14

Blink Strike

3 9 12 17

Tricks of the Trade

1 4 5 7

Cloak and Dagger

6 11 16


10 15

Hero Talents

Tricks of the Trade applies a basic dispel
-1s Cloak and Dagger Fade Delay
=4s Blink Strike Replenish Time
+0.3 Backstab Multiplier
-3s Smokescreen Cooldown
+50 Tricks of the Trade Agility Increase
+8% Cloak and Dagger Movement Speed
+50 Smoke Screen AoE

Support Roaming Riki

June 21, 2017


This guide focused on Riki potential as support roamer.


The item build focus on item to chase enemy hero and do support with smoke screen.

Tranquil Boots : First item that should be done in early game is Tranquil Boots because it give Riki nice regen so he can stay in lane on roaming, stay longer near creeps means more exp gain.
Also the movement speed is quite good for chasing or escape.
I usually build Ring of Regen first before Boots of Speed and Wind Lace if Riki getting harrased or nuked so badly.
Observer and Sentry Wards : Important since you'll do warding.
Quelling Blade : For fast dewarding, also help last hit creep better.
Yasha : Get this quickly as possible, it has nice stat for agility heroes like Riki and give movement speed.
Eul's Scepter of Divinity : Another core item is Eul Scepter, why eul? Since Riki lack of mana pool and mana regen, Eul help that problem. Eul also give more mov. speed and active skill Cyclone, which really help you if you're in trouble because Eul can dispel of Dust of Appearance.

Skills Combo

Cyclone from Eul for combo:
1. Ping teammates that you found an enemy
2. Cyclone target using Eul's Scepter of Divinity
3. Use Smoke Screen
4. Hit enemy so he got slowed
5. Your teammates should have come at this point and finis him
6. If not enough go Ulti Tricks of the Trade
7. If enemy trying to escape use Blink Strike

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