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7 Votes

Support / Pusher Venomancer Guide

July 11, 2012 by blazedbuddha
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Ownageduck | January 28, 2013 1:07pm
Used this build for the past couple of matches and it worked alright, although I think levelling the venomous gale at the start is a little pointless, considering that it takes roughly half of your mana in one shot. I prefer to get wards first, then the sting, then the gale, however from there, your guide takes over and I follow that.

Thanks for the post, it's a very useful and well written strategy :)
blazedbuddha | July 12, 2012 7:23pm
dingo wrote:

The skill build is ok but its better to max out sting before gale since the gale slow doesn't increase and it's nice to keep it at a cheap 90 mana.

Here's my concern with this:

- Poison Sting Level 4: 120dmg over 7sec + 14% slow
- Venomous Gale Level 1: 50dmg + 30dmg over 9sec + 50% slow - 90MP


200dmg over 9sec + 64% slow - 90MP


- Poison Sting Level 1: 35dmg over 7sec + 11% slow
- Venomous Gale Level 4: 100dmg + 150dmg over 9sec + 50% slow - 135MP


285dmg over 9sec + 61% slow - 135MP

Both the 3% less slow and 45MP you use are EXTREMELY negligible when an extra 85dmg is done. That 85dmg can make the kill on a hero that just barely managed to escape with no health IMHO and experience.


Orchid is not valuable on veno since a simple mana boot will be sufficient to spam all the spells he wants.

Mana boots are a waste on Venomancer as the Power Treads give you ultimate utility; buffing your health, damage output, or mana at will. Orchid is quite useful on a Venomancer that was allowed enough farm. Here is why:
  • +260MP
  • +0.8MP Regen
  • +30 attack speed
  • +45DMG
  • +225%MP Regen

As far as boots:

- Arcane: +65 movement speed, +250MP, replenish 135MP for 25MP
- Power Treads: +60 movement speed, +35 attack speed, +8STR(152HP & 0.24HP regen) OR +8AGI(8DMG & 8 attack speed & 1.12 armor) OR +8INT(104MP & 0.32MP regen)

All you really need is 1 mana regen item with extra bonuses (Orchid or Eul's) and you can also have Power Treads for a much better combo than Arcane Boots and Eul's. Arcane and Eul's makes for wasted mana and much weaker Venomancer.
dingo (2) | July 12, 2012 4:51pm
You shouldn't have a mek AND pipe on just one person, you'll make yourself a huge target and dying will be costly to your team since you're the only person that has the heal and spell mitigation. Orchid is not valuable on veno since a simple mana boot will be sufficient to spam all the spells he wants. You should throw out SnY since its just a pub item and you can buy better things with that money.

The skill build is ok but its better to max out sting before gale since the gale slow doesn't increase and it's nice to keep it at a cheap 90 mana.
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