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BTW, Sp12, I've read your other carry guides and I really like them, I find them very versatile and helpful. I would really like to see your carry guide for Morphling, do you intend to do it?
This made me laugh so hard, that I lost my breakfast after. What was quoted, not the guide. The guide is hilarious and a fun idea. +1 for shenanigans.
However the enemy team may still see you as a carry and you will be focused down a lot, although this isn't really a bad thing as not only are you survivable but it takes some pressure of your main carry. +1
Of course Morph is a more exp dependent than most supports, but not more than a Leshrac or Sand King. Morph also farms a lot harder than other supports as you can agility smack neutrals while your team does work with a replicate to jump in with.