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32 Votes

Support guide to AA

June 8, 2012 by LucariStar
Comments: 14    |    Views: 383163    |   

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TryAgain.Charizard | October 12, 2014 7:21am
Dude ever consider an aghanims scepter it helps a lot even of a hard supp.
But otherwise nice guide :D
TryAgain.Charizard | October 12, 2014 7:17am
Dude ever consider an aghanims scepter it helps a lot even of a hard supp.
But otherwise nice guide :D
dharma iniciative | August 17, 2014 7:40am
Very good guide.Aa can play as a supp-nukker and he also can kill by his own
xpoizone (1) | March 11, 2014 7:30pm
I'd like to know why you haven't encouraged the use of chilling touch in the tri lane build as it gives a lot of extra damage and level 1 killing potential in a trilane, similar to how visage would pick soul assumption first.
Perception | November 19, 2013 3:48pm
1. Your directions for using Cold Feet are wrong. From casting point to stun you need 4 seconds of the target not moving much from its original position. The best way to play this is to cast Cold Feet to initiate and have another stun or disable hit the target immediately after.
Carries: DK, CK, Sven, and Skelly King work best for this with any number of combinations possible support-wise (one of my favourites is CM, as your ultis synergize epicly if done right)

2. Ice Vortex is very good once you have your three base skills, but an early point in Chilling Touch is FAR more effective for getting kills. Vortex adds hardly any damage magic-wise and the slow is minimal, while Chilling Touch adds 3 attacks of 50 dmg (150, x3 heroes that's 450 magical dmg). With one other disable (CM, Rubick, etc.) that target is deader than a turkey on Thanksgiving.

3. Assuming someone else can get a Force Staff, I find Eul's to be a much better investment. For one thing, it completely removes your dependence upon a second disable to Cold Feet a target successfully.

Nice guide!
seroquelXrRebV | April 8, 2013 6:31am
Aalnius | February 6, 2013 10:44pm
very nice guide, i used your support ganker build and went 13/0/13 had a brilliant lane partner aswell.
xxblackxxrosexx | December 3, 2012 2:46am
Awesome guide +1 plus your Enlish is quite decent :)
wells235 (1) | November 19, 2012 9:07pm
Do you think Eul's could be core? It has great synergy with his Q, and the move speed and mana regen are both extremely helpful for him.
LucariStar (2) | October 10, 2012 7:28pm
If i have time or if im not too lazy ;P

Just want to point out that roaming aa is not very effective because of his inability to stun without help. I mean he's decent, but he needs help. Heroes like shaker and tide are just better roamers because they do not require that setup
Caelath | October 10, 2012 5:23am
Definitely a very nice guide! I suggest maybe you elaborate on how to lane him solo-mid, I think that's a very very effective way to play him (Dendi did it in the 1st internationals against iG if I'm not wrong). Anyways, great guide and I hope that you explain different laning situations and elaborate more. e.g. different skill build for solo mid, maybe roaming aa? I'm not sure. Thanks for the guide!
The Kraken | October 1, 2012 12:43pm
lovely guide. AA is a personal fave - so fun to play :D He could really do with having a scepter upgrade for his ult though :P +1
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