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24 Votes

Support Guide - Developing Advanced Skills

October 17, 2012 by Sando
Comments: 7    |    Views: 79552    |   

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Malystryx | May 10, 2013 5:55am
Another well written guide. I think I will be reading your posts most of the day. I would imagine that you played DotA back in the day. You have tons of knowledge. Thank you for sharing.
PotM_Plz (19) | November 7, 2012 8:28am
You can only deny a hero if you have certain DoT (Damage over time) effect on you. such as Venomancer's Poison Sting, or Venomous Gale. Also Doom Bringers Doom. But some skills such as Axe's Battle Hunger are undeniable.
Robfire | October 25, 2012 3:10pm
Can you elaborate on how to deny heroes? You said it's 10% for towers, but what's it for heroes? I had a summoned minion as Enchantress and I was under 10 HP and I couldn't deny myself.
Sando (118) | October 11, 2012 3:35am
I generally write the guides in Word (for spellchecking) and then c + p over - has resulted in some errors like this before. I can't see any problem this time though?
limec | October 11, 2012 1:54am
guide isnt readable its in UTF-8?
"This is mentioned in a lot of articles, and people are always talking about �good� and �bad� map awareness�but what do they actually mean?"
SuperNova (16) | October 10, 2012 8:12am
very helpful +1
Hades4u (296) | October 10, 2012 8:11am
Nice, I like this guide, the Beginner - Intermediate one was good too, keep it up, make for other roles too maybe? It'd be great!

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