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6 Votes

Support Chaos Knight

September 6, 2019 by Lorgarmor
Comments: 3    |    Views: 36074    |   

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Draenji | February 24, 2020 10:57am
This is a pretty well elaborated guide!!
Pl3b (2) | June 28, 2019 2:09pm
I’ve been testing out weird 4 position heroes lately as well. I like the thought you put into the guide, I think for the build you are going you might want to make phase boots one of your items, they are pretty meta on strength imitators eg.tusk/earth spirit, the armour + movespeed makes them pretty high value for cost
Lorgarmor | June 28, 2019 2:30pm
Indeed. In fact I was thinking alot about, how every type of boots actually provides some benefit, but in the end I decided to highlight the two "supporty" boots. Phase boots and power treads help you to hit people harder and consistently but CKs ultimate and his chaos bolt are so expensive, relative to his mana pool. I think mana boots or tranquils+soul ring are necessary to provide the team with CKs disables.
The +20 Movement speed talent should be enough to compensate for the missing phase active and a medallion or basilius are cheap and easily gained armor points.
To take on your examples: ES and Tusk have much cheaper spells and more int gain than CK (poor 1.2/level), maybe that is the reason aggressive boots are more viable on them. I always had severe mana problems on CK when playing with treads (I think I only built phase boots once).
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