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Oh and.. the guide is nice too? There's that. That's important.
When I tried to support other carries in pubs, it was a total nightmare.
Thank you for this guide. +1
In a pub game, you may end up solo support (every team needs an AFK jungler, apparently) and those options are often closed to you.
Afraid it's a bit rough in places on formatting/completion, but I hope it's still useful..?
As expected of a Sando guide 8{3
-0:60 - give an
0:00 Choose between Ganking Mid/Roaming Top to Ward their Jungle/Gank their Safe Lane Carry + Supports/Gank their Offlaner(s)/Secure Rune(s), Harrass, Pull, Jungle. I'd also add abit about Warding and Dewarding, as it's important to establish where your Obersver Ward(s) need to be placed, i.e. wherever you're going to need Vision the most in the next 6 minutes. As for Dewarding, establish where you don't want the other Team to have Vision of (your Carry, your Mid, even Roshan if you have a Hero who can Solo him before 6:00 regardless of whehter you inted to or not, just to make the other Team panic ;{) etc.). It more important to make sure they don't have Vision where you don't want them to have it, after all...who cares if you don't deward that Observer watching their fountain? 8{3
0:40 This is another Ganking window and possibly even....DUM-DUM-DUUUUUM - a Courier Sniping window 8{D ...not that often though ._.
1:40-2:10 Yet ANOTHER Ganking window you haven't talked about. Tsk Tsk Tsk 8{3 You can have a Mini-Teamfight over Runes if you feel you have the upper hand, lure them in and get your Mid/Offlaner to join in, don't just take Runes, take their Blood as well whenever teh opportunity arises. 8{3
2:40-3:10, Basically, every minute of the game where the other Team is not 5-manning is a Ganking opportunity for seasoned Supports. If the other Mid ran out of Bottle charges, never got a Rune and urgently needed it refilling after 2:00, then you have yourself a Sniping opportunity here, sir! 8{3