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4 Votes

Super Speedy Jugg

May 24, 2018 by Schnittz
Comments: 5    |    Views: 35599    |   

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SirDeRp25 | May 31, 2018 6:20pm
I am currently herald O
with 100 mmr. This guide has helped me a lot with my fav champoin jugg. I haev ben able to cary al my gams with the help off tis guide. TANK U SO MUCHH SCHNITZELL> LOVE U BABEY
Pl3b (2) | May 28, 2018 12:55pm
Not a bad guide man i just want to say my peace in regards to omni slash the juggernaut attacks with each 'slash' of the spell unless you are right clicking on the ground which causes jugger to atack from one side but stops him auto attacking while in omni (this can be usefull against bristle). If you really build attack speed you can hit faster then omni 'slashes'. Oh and you can use any item during omni this includes blink dagger for disengaging with omni or retargeting the desired hero,abysal for slippery heroes and nullifyier for ghost scepter euls and aeon disk.
SirDeRp25 | May 27, 2018 4:56pm
what a good guide by snitzz gj yet again my dude
LordVesper (5) | May 25, 2018 10:11am
There's some useful info to take away from this guide for both beginners and intermediates alike. It should be good enough if you want a general view on what Juggernaut does, however it lacks a lot on the more detailed aspects of the hero. Still, not bad and would still recommend this guide!

P.S. Totally know how it feels with Blade Dance messing up your last hits. Sometimes, I'm just forced to not attack the creep at all til the last hit is assured.

P.S.S. Never prioritize Healing Ward over Blade Fury. If you're that zoned out that you're contemplating about it, just hit the jungle and farm with Blade Fury
SirDeRp25 | May 24, 2018 4:46pm
good guide would recommend to family and fiends
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