Super Carry Sky
September 13, 2015
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Skywrath can easily Counter any Heros with the Items available,
Can be support Effective Carry too,
Early game Starting with Boots, Clarity and tangos, so can be farming safe.
While getting the first item, Nulltilsman to increase your Intelligence while 1st skill gets strong with hight the mana, so it will be very effective Harrasing the Low HP heros from far distance.
Getting mana boots, to keep your mana full for harrasing.
As soon having these both Items, You will need to immeidialtly get Atos, so then now you can solo easily, Look for someone, Silencer him, use Atos to slow him down, and Ulti :)
He will get all the damage on him, and if needed one 1st skill will be enough to finish him.
To be safe from Invisible heros, who buys Shadow Blade, Just buy an EUL,
Whenever you get 1st hit, use the EUL on yourself so you have the time to use Atos on the enemy hero then silence then ulti . and His dead,
Forcestaff used for extra intellegence, and to be able to run from ganks :)
Goodluck, try it, and it worked very well with me, because 95% with skywrath mage will winning .
Goodluck All
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