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Summer is Always fun with Morphling! (Currently updating)

August 23, 2015 by KoDyAbAbA
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caine1232 (3) | August 24, 2015 7:44am
The Bluerage wrote:

I don't understand the Earthshaker farming.
Someone care to explain?

Not much of an explanation, but here it is
Qojqva is probably the only competitive player that does that a LOT. There are a ton of vidoes of him on youtube doing it.
However, I don't really recommend it this patch since most of the mid heroes are lane dominators and you are going to have a really hard time.
The Bluerage | August 24, 2015 7:14am
I don't understand the Earthshaker farming.
Someone care to explain?
KoDyAbAbA (65) | June 9, 2015 4:44pm
hey masaaki! i agree, shotgun is pretty amazing, but lets face it, it aint the easiest thing to shotgun anymore cuz of consecutive nerfs to E-blade and adaptive strike.It still remains the same, but its a little more difficult to pull off.
masaaki14 (11) | April 27, 2015 2:45am
Its sad not many people encourage the stungun morph, its simply amazing
Siegfreid | March 24, 2015 3:26pm
Not at all, it was just an advise on my personnal feelings with this hero. Which I hope, can enhance your guide and your personnal approach of morphling :p
KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 24, 2015 2:51pm
^ uhuh, but i don't really understand in what context was this comment posted :/ .was is a response to a previous comment ?
Siegfreid | March 24, 2015 2:16pm
I don't know the situations u had to face, but the fact you can't get involved in fight/get kills/man up influence your gold income. You are less a big creep ducking in the bot lane, some situations will allow you to do so but not every situation.

And the bkbs aren't a problem, if you are ganking and go for a carry if he activates bkb you win, because he lose some precious duration. If it's a support you kill him.

You told it, at this stage of the game, morph is a ganker, you go for a kill and immediatly retreat after go for Eblade/wave/adaptive strike.
You can go for teamfights after a linken, manta or skadi where morph have more sustain.

Well it's an adivse after all, and the style that suits more my gameplay, but give it a try, I think it's worth it. ;)
KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 24, 2015 12:47pm
i understand your concern, but the impact an early eth blade gives you is incomparable to anything that a yasha could ever give you.

A casual yasha may not affect you much in very casual play, but ranked matchmaking is affected by a large extent based on the item decisions that you make.

here is my match history on morph (haven't been playing much lately) : There you go!

you can easily see the impact of an early EB.

I agree, your build is "Stable", but unfortunately that is not enough. Morphling is first and foremost, an assassin.You get in, burst someone down and get the hell out of there.And with your build, you cannot do that until minute 30 or so, which is kinda redundant because by that time, all carries have Black king Bars, making you a support only kinda deal.
Siegfreid | March 24, 2015 10:56am
Just a remark about the shotgun morphling, did u thought about a casual yasha before farming your etheral blade ?

I'm afraid without it morph can't really face anyone before farming this big item and looks like a spectre desperatly farming his sacred relic. But with a early yasha you have moovespeed (a thing that morph really needs, and that means more farming speed too) more armor, more dps, your adaptive strike is better.

My own build is aquila/pt/bottle/yasha/EB/whatever which fits in the game, and I feel that more stable than a pretty naked eblade. But it's a matter of perspective, I just wanted to add my thought to the discussions.

Good work here thanks for the guide :)
KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 23, 2015 11:30pm
^ I don't understand, I have both skadi and manta in the late-game section :c
Starbucks 64 (3) | March 23, 2015 4:23pm
Extra stuff is nice. Shotgun morphling is still the most popular and most viable morphling out there. Skadi and Manta are nice late game, along with a few other things. I would have just written that, but it's your guide.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 6, 2015 6:14am
thank you :D.
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