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16 Votes

Such a beautiful death. I envy you. (6.82)

October 10, 2014 by YamataNoOrochi
Comments: 10    |    Views: 204280    |   

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porygon361 (46) | April 8, 2014 5:03am
Xarai wrote:

Not really the best build you watsed $ on 2 stupid iron branches

There is a reason why they are called "GG Branches", man.
Xarai | April 8, 2014 5:02am
Not really the best build you watsed $ on 2 stupid iron branches
SpeedyJoe (1) | January 15, 2014 11:40pm
please comment on the fact that euls is a crazy good item for her as your ultimate still works even when you have euled yourself and is effectively taking no damage

you can even go near a low life tower with your ultimate on and no creeps nearby and eul yourself to take down the tower.It is also very useful in teamfights when they run towards you eul yourself

also the item is bad against pudge because he gets a free hook so take care about that

pudge is a very good counter for her even with ultimate on he can take you in late and mid game provided he has enough farm
ontherock | November 29, 2013 7:47am
the silence at level 4 is useless.. if u wanna do the 6 level ulti..really better increasing witchcraft for ulti damage and silence at level 7
bboyle | November 18, 2013 7:44am
Good Guide. I'd recommend adding Vangaurd as a situational item as Death Prophet is one of the only ranged heroes that it benefits, since it allows for added health and regen (with minor blocking ability) for half of the cost of heart allowing you to rush other items if you need to without losing all of the tankiness you need to survive chasing the enemies.
Yosiu | July 3, 2013 12:03pm
Yeah it wasn't visible, now everything is showing. Thanks
Shell_defender (1) | July 3, 2013 7:59am
Really good and complete guide :3
YamataNoOrochi | July 3, 2013 3:17am
Yosiu wrote:

Nice guide also very visually appealing.
Is this still "work in progress" ? Cos there is no Friend and Foes section ?

Hm? Is one of the anchors not working? The last part IS the Friends and Foes-section :D
It was archived for 5 hours in which I created it, it may not be showing.
Thanks for your feedback!
, both of you :3

//Edit: I had to republish it, now all sections should be visible. :)
Yosiu | July 3, 2013 3:10am
Nice guide also very visually appealing.
Is this still "work in progress" ? Cos there is no Friend and Foes section ?
Raylord (3) | July 2, 2013 1:56pm
+1 I really enjoyed all of the different kinds of builds, great guide!
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